Mathman (10 Apr 2022)
"Every Mass Exodus in the Bible happened in Nisan!"

Dear FiveDoves,

Every Mass Exodus in the Bible happened in Nisan!

For the purpose of this thread, I am defining a ‘Mass Exodus’ to be a massive group of people being delivered by God from one state to another state in a single day. Based on this definition, there were four ‘Mass Exoduses’ in the Bible and all of them happened in the Hebrew month of Nisan. There were no other ‘Mass Exoduses’ in the Bible other than these four. These four ‘Mass Exoduses’ are outlined as follows:
  • Event 1 (Nisan 15): Part 1 of Israelites freed from the Egyptians (Moses)
  • Event 2 (Nisan 21): Part 2 of Israelites freed from the Egyptians (Moses)
  • Event 3 (Nisan 10): Israelites led into the Promised Land (Joshua)
  • Event 4 (Nisan 18): The entire world freed from sin; grace through faith (Jesus)
The following are basic summaries of the timeline for each of these huge events:

Events 1 and 2: Israelites freed from the Egyptians (Moses)
  • Nisan 10: Passover lamb selected and had to be blemish free.
  • Nisan 14: Passover lamb slaughtered; blood put on the doors to keep the first-borns from being killed by the Lord’s angel of death.
  • Nisan 15: Angel of death sweeps over Egypt at midnight, bypassing all of those with blood on their door. This finally changes the Pharaoh’s mind and he now allows the Exodus from his kingdom (Event 1 of 2). The Israelites flee as fast as they can, but not until they are given great treasure by the Egyptians (think of this as ‘parting gifts’)
  • Nisan 15 – 21: Israelites head to the desert. However, they soon reach the daunting Red Sea and need to cross it. Without the Israelites being aware of it, the Pharaoh has changed his mind and has sent his army to slaughter the Israelites.
  • Nisan 21: The Egyptian army catches up to the Israelites. The Lord parts the Red Sea and allows the Israelites to cross first (Event 2 of 2). The Lord then has the Egyptian army pursue them. Once the Israelites have all crossed and the entire pursuing Egyptian army was surrounded by the parted Red Sea, the Lord allowed the Red Sea to collapse on the Egyptians.
  • The Israelites being free (Event 1) and safe (Event 2) from the Pharaoh both occurred in Nisan. However, they were still not in the Promised Land. We now flash forward forty years to the third Mass Exodus event.
Event 3: Israelites led into the Promised Land (Joshua)
  • Adar 7: Moses dies at the age of 120 on the same day that he was born. Joshua takes over as the leader of the Israelites. 30 days of mourning over the death of Moses commences.
  • Nisan 7: 30 days of mourning ends. Spies are sent into Jericho.
  • Nisan 10: God stops the Jordan River from flowing even though it was the time of spring flooding. The Israelites cross the Jordan River into Canaan. This marks the transition from the desert to the Promised Land (Event 3).
  • Nisan 11 – 14: All those born in the desert are circumcised.
  • Nisan 15 – 21: Passover celebrated.
  • Nisan 22 – 27: Circled Jericho one time for six days in a row, blowing trumpets while doing so.
  • Nisan 28: On the 7th day, circled Jericho seven times while blowing trumpets. After the 7th circle was completed, the Israelites shouted with the trumpets. The walls immediately collapsed at their shout. Only Rahab, the prostitute, and her family were spared.
  • The Israelites now being in the Promised Land (Event 3) occurred in Nisan. However, they (and the world) still did not have a Messiah. We now flash forward many centuries to the fourth Mass Exodus event.
Event 4: The entire world freed from sin; grace through faith (Jesus)
  • The following timeline is based on the CORRECT days leading up to Jesus' Resurrection.  This has been posted on a separate letter on this day (assuming it made it in time).
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The weekdays actually start the evening before. For example, ‘Saturday’ actually refers to ‘Friday evening to Saturday evening’.
  • Nisan 10 (Saturday): Jesus enters Jerusalem and is selected by the Jewish people as the Perfect Lamb for the sacrifice.
  • Nisan 11 - 13 (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday): Three full Hebrew days in Jerusalem preaching
  • Nisan 14 (Wednesday): Passover dinner with His disciples. Arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Trial after trial, false witnesses. Beaten and whipped 39 times. Forced to carry His cross to Golgotha. Put on the cross until His death. Removed from the cross and placed into a burial place for a rich man.
  • Nisan 15 – 17 (Thursday, Friday and Saturday): Three days and three nights in the grave.
  • Nisan 18 (Sunday): HE HAS RISEN! He has conquered sin and death! The entire world can now be freed from sin by grace through faith via Jesus (Event 4). Women surprised by Jesus at His grave. Jesus comes and sees the disciples. All but Thomas is there.
  • Nisan 26 (Monday): Jesus would come back and show ‘Doubting Thomas’ His holes eight days later.
Summary of significant Nisan days:
  • Nisan 10 (The Selection of the Lamb): (Moses) Passover lamb selected and had to be blemish free. (Joshua) The Israelites, God’s chosen lambs, cross the Jordan River into Canaan. This marks the transition from the desert to the Promised Land (Event 3) (Jesus) Jesus enters Jerusalem and is selected by the Jewish people as the Perfect Lamb for the sacrifice.
  • Nisan 14 (The Shedding of Blood): (Moses) Passover lamb slaughtered; blood put on the doors to keep the first-borns from being killed by the Lord’s angel of death. (Joshua) Blood was shed when all those born in the desert were circumcised. (Jesus) Passover dinner with His disciples. Arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Trial after trial, false witnesses. Beaten and whipped 39 times. Forced to carry His cross to Golgotha. Put on the cross until His death. Removed from the cross and placed into a burial place for a rich man.
  • Nisan 15 (The Passover): (Moses) Angel of death sweeps over Egypt at midnight, bypassing all of those with blood on their door. This finally changes the Pharaoh’s mind and he now allows the Exodus from his kingdom (Event 1 of 2). (Joshua) Passover celebrated. (Jesus) First night and first day in the grave.
  • Nisan 18 (The Resurrection): (Moses) Heading towards the desert. (Joshua) Passover celebrated. (Jesus) HE HAS RISEN! He has conquered sin and death! The entire world can now be freed from sin by grace through faith via Jesus (Event 4).
  • Nisan 21 (The Parting of the Red Sea): (Moses) The Egyptian army catches up to the Israelites. The Lord parts the Red Sea and allows the Israelites to cross first (Event 2 of 2). (Joshua) Celebration of Passover continues. (Jesus) In between post-Resurrection visits to the disciples on Nisan 18 and Nisan 26.
While many people believe that the Rapture is up next, a thorough understanding of Dream 211 via SparrowCloud9's dream, shows you that we are actually looking for a Great Harvest leading up to the Rapture...

In order to facilitate this, God is going to Transform His Army into a force no one would believe even if they were told.  We will then march forth and bring millions, if not billions, into the fold before the dreaded day of the Rapture arrives for those LEFT BEHIND.

Hope you find this edifying!

Much love & blessings, MathMan