Leo Tavares  (3 Apr 2022)


Grace, Peace and Blessings to the body of 1480

The following is a stunning confirmation of the G 1:1/J 1:1 union (Standard and Ordinal), which can be found at the bottom of my S/O Theorem article here : https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/the-so-theorem?authuser=0

I will now present a powerful convergence I have uncovered between the two key verses in Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1). This convergence is nothing short of PROOF OF GOD. Therefore, I have coined the following converging displays "The Proof Of YAH". 

We know that the number 37 is the fundamental Prime number of Biblical Alphanumerics. With this in mind, I placed the Standard Greek value of "JESUS" (888) in a Trapezium of 37 rows of counters (the ONLY way to represent 888 as 37 rows). Incredibly, I found that this actually unites the numerical identity of "JESUS" and "CHRIST": 


 "JESUS" (SG) = 888
 "CHRIST" (OG) = 118 

888 counters represented as a Trapezium of 37 rows of counters yields an OUTLINE of 118 counters 

This miraculous Trapezium, uniting 888 and 118 (through 37), logically accommodates a specific Triangle to form a greater Triangle. This now takes us to the next miracle, which unites the Hebrew Old Testament name of God with the divine person of Jesus Christ (while simultaneously uniting Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1): 


The 888 Trapezium accommodates T5, which consists of 15 counters 

The ABBREVIATED Hebrew form of "Yahweh" (i.e. the central Hebrew OT name of God) = "YAH" 

   "YAH" (SH) = 15
 "JESUS" (SG) = 888 

This divine union between "YAH" and "JESUS" forms the 42nd Triangle 

 Genesis 1:1 (OH) = 298
 John 1:1 (OG) = 605 

   298 + 605 = T42 

 "JESUS" (SH) = 391
 "JESUS" (SG) = 888 

391 + (8 × 8 × 8) = T42 

We see how the Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle is clearly tied to the divine name of "YAHWEH". I soon realized that this divine union I have uncovered actually confirms the divine seal of "YAHWEH ELOHIM" that previous researchers highlighted within the Standard union of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 (with "Yahweh Elohim" being the central full title of God in the Hebrew OT): 


Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73 = 2701
 John 1:1 (SG) = 3627 

A Trapezium of 3627 counters accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle and this union forms the greater Triangle of T112 

"YAHWEH ELOHIM" (SH) = (26 + 86) = 112 

The Standard Hebrew value of "Yahweh" = 26 and the Standard Hebrew value of "Elohim" = 86. Recall how the Ordinal Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 Triangle unites the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (888/118) with the abbreviated form of "Yahweh" (i.e. "YAH"). Thus, I wondered what would happen if I subtracted the YAH sum from the Standard Genesis 1:1 Triangle. This now takes us to the next miracle: 


   "YAH" (SH) = 15 

"YAHWEH" (SH) = 26
"ELOHIM" (SH) = 86 

Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73 

When the YAH Triangle (i.e. 15 counters) is separated from the Genesis 1:1 Triangle, this reveals a divine concatenation of 2686 counters 

   T73 - 15 = 2686

This now takes us to our final miracle in the PROOF OF YAH convergence. Unbelievably, when I looked at the resulting products derived from the full and abbreviated forms of the divine name, I realized that they literally produce the original Genesis 1:1 Triangle itself (through a logical order): 


 "YAH" (SH) = 15 and "EL" (SH) = 31

"YAHWEH" (SH) = 26 and "ELOHIM" (SH) = 86 

 (15 × 31) + (26 × 86) = T73 

   Genesis 1:1 (SH) = T73 

   Jesus Christ is God 


 Battalion Of Christ, 

Leo Tavares (aka Megiddo)