LadyWarrior (10 Apr 2022)
"Praise Jesus! And Another Prayer Request"


Our God is SO AMAZING!


I just wanted to give an update from my email from last week- Follow Up From Last Email- Urgent Prayer Request- which is linked below.

On Thursday, I spoke to the facility, and after a lengthy discussion, Isaac has been approved at Job Corps! We don’t have the exact date that he is leaving yet- so that continues to be a request- that the process will go very quickly, so that he can get started without delay. We just continue to trust Jesus, knowing that His timing is perfect (even when I fret and grumble).


Again, for full disclosure- and just a testament to the faithfulness of our God. This has been the most exhaustive 6 years of our lives! Over the years, there have been many times we’ve truly been concerned with the safety of our other children, and at times, even my own safety. One night, when he was about 11, I woke up in the middle of the night to him standing over me. From that night forward we started sleeping with our door locked.  There have been MANY moments that I have struggled in my faith. There are many more moments when I just could not imagine things working out. So many times I have felt that this was too overwhelming, and that any light at the end of a tunnel was that of a freight training heading straight towards us! I won’t say that I am proud of that outlook, but neither am I ashamed. I am just being real. This is what real life looks like. All the while, even in my weakest moments, I have continually spent time in prayer closet, begging the Lord to hear our prayers. He always has heard us. I know this.


We are now 30 days away from him being 18. He has been accepted into a Job Program. What he does with this opportunity is up to Isaac. We pray he uses this opportunity wisely to his advantage, not manipulatively to his advantage.


THANK YOU to all who have been praying with us! It is GREATLY appreciated!


Jesus… THANK YOU! From the very bottom of my heart- THANK YOU! ALL praise, glory, and honor are Yours, King Jesus!


At The Feet Of Jesus,
