Jim T (10 Apr 2022)
"God’s Special Day - Nisan 17 Odds: One in 783,864,876,960,000,000"

The Bible records many miracles occurring on Nisan 17. Seven major events that occurred on Nisan 17 include the following:


· Nissan 17, Noah’s Ark safely rested on Mt. Ararat - (Genesis 8:4) Note that the seventh month was later designated as the first month at the time of the Exodus - (Exodus 12:2).


· Nissan 17, Hebrews entered Egypt - (Exodus 12:40-41) 430 years before deliverance.


· Nissan 17, Moses led the Israelites through the Parting of the Red Sea - (Exodus 3:18, 5:3).


· Nissan 17, Israel entered and ate the first fruit of the Promised Land - (Joshua 5:10-12).


· Nissan 17, The cleansing of the Temple by Hezekiah (eight hundred years after entering the promised land. - (2nd Chronicles 29:1-28).


· Nissan 17, Queen Esther saved the Jews from Elimination - (Esther 3:12, 5:1).


· Nissan 17, The Resurrection of Messiah (think about it).


The odds of these seven events all happening coincidentally on the same day of the Hebrew year are One in 783 quadrillion, 864 trillion, 876 Billion, 960 Million (783,864,876,960,000,000). This number is determined by multiplying the seven major events occurring on the same day of the Hebrew year. In mathematics this is known as compound probability. In the realm of science and advanced mathematics, any number larger than one in 150,000,000,000-billion is considered to be the result of intelligent design and therefore impossible as the result of coincidence or random chance occurrence.


Here is a complete article explaining this in great detail:


I dare speculate that our Blessed Hope (the Rapture) may occur on or around this time as well.  This month is a high-watch time as Passover begins on Friday, April 15 and ends on Saturday, April 23.  This is based on the assumption that Nissan begins with the sighting of the first new moon after the Spring Equinox.  However, God's timing may be different than our understanding of time and seasons.  No one knows the day and the hour, yet we can see the day approaching.


May Jesus Bless You ALL,