James W (10 Apr 2022)
"A letter called ALL ABOARD!"

John Tng

This was written two weeks ago by a friend of mine who is a retired missionary who has worked in many countries, and a Bible translator at the same time. I see him every week and we talk about the huge changes now taking place and the very near time of the rapture. He wishes that this short essay hits home with many people and also encourages them to pass his letter on to others.


All Aboard

When boarding a passenger train, the conductor would often call out “All Aboard”. This meant that if you were still on the platform that it was time to quickly get onto the train before it started the journey. There was no time for a last minute coffee because the train would soon be departing and underway. If you weren’t on board, you would be left behind.

So it is today. Prophetic events around the world are quickly accelerating and converging heralding the soon return of Jesus Christ to take home to heaven the citizens of heaven who belong to the Bible believing church. The Bible clearly tells us about an event that is about to happen at any moment when those who truly have received Jesus into their lives will be instantly taken out of this world into their heavenly home. (1 Thessalonian 4:13-18) Jesus Himself said that He was going to prepare a heavenly home for them and would one day come in the clouds to welcome them home. (John 14.3)

Not only that, it get’s even better because the Bible also tells us that these earthly mortal bodies that are slowly dying and decaying will one day be completely transformed into immortal bodies that will never perish, nor die, and will not be subject to all the ills and problems that our current earthly bodies endure. (1 Corinthians 15:50-54) The medical profession will no longer be needed because disease, injury, and illness will be history.

This event is immanent and could happen in a split second, in the twinkling of an eye. (1 Corinthians 15:52) Jesus said that we wont know the day or the hour when this will happen, but He told us to understand the times and for millions of believing Christians today, we believe that these are the days when this event could soon happen. (Matthew 24:36)

So, are you ready if the All Aboard is called?? The GLORY train for heaven is at the station and you need to be on-board because once that call is made, the train is moving heavenward .

How can you be ready, you may ask? The golden verse of the Bible very clearly tells us,

That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

We all have sinned and fall completely short of being good enough to inherit salvation and we can’t do enough good things to merit it. It’s only through God’s grace and His unmerited favor that we can have all our sins forgiven, and be made a new person in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8-9) He then adopts us into His family as the sons and daughters of the heavenly King. (Ephesians 1:5)

What a wonderful and glorious heavenly reality awaits all who have heeded the call to be “All Aboard” when that call comes.

Don’t delay, make that decision today, because the “All Aboard” could very soon be sounding and if you are on the train, the best is yet to come. If not, you will be left behind to face the most dangerous and horrifying events to come upon the earth which the Bible calls the Great Tribulation. (Revelation 6:15-17) It will be so bad that unless the days are shortened there will be no human life left on planet earth. (Matthew 24:22) This is all vividly revealed in many books of the Bible including the last book titled Revelation.

Lest you think this is some strange made-up fiction and can’t possibly be true, don’t be deceived as everything mentioned is revealed to us in God’s Holy Word the Bible.

To commit your life and eternal future to Christ, just pray this simple prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe and accept you as my Lord and Savior. Please come into my life, forgive all my sins and grant me your full salvation and pardon that I might be spiritually born to become one of your eternal children. Thank you dear LORD. Amen.

If you pray that simple prayer your ticket is fully paid for because Christ went to a cross 2000 years ago in your place for your sins. Then when the All Aboard is called, you will be on the train heaven bound for all eternity. DON’T DELAY!!

Dave & Marge Mannings, March 30, 2022 Retired Wycliffe BT missionaries