Greg Wilson (10 Apr 2022)
"RE: Neil L. (3 April 2022) God’s Prophetic Purpose for World Wars"

RE: Neil L. (3 April 2022) God’s Prophetic Purpose for World Wars




Thank you for your insight into the purposes for World Wars I and II.  I read a book some years ago which spoke to these two world wars and their relationship to the Jewish peoples of the world.   The author said: “World War I prepared the land of Palestine for the Jew and World War II prepared the Jews for the land of Palestine.   It is interesting to think about that statement.  Was God’s purpose of restoring the Jewish people to the Promised Land the principal reasons for the wars.  I suspect it may have been so.   


There is an interesting story about Jacob.  Jacob worked for Laban for two 7-year periods.  One period for each of his two wives, Rachel and Leah.  Jeremiah describes a future period of time as the “time of Jacob’s trouble”. (Jeremiah 30:7)  I think that Jacob’s two 7-year periods were his personal times of trouble and that Jeremiah is using that phrase to describe the Jewish races problems in the end of days periods.


I think of Jeremiah’s reference to the “time of Jacob’s trouble” as Daniel’s 70th week as the latter half being great tribulation described in Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:21.  Isaiah has an interesting prophecy which speaks to the Jewish people’s hardships (birthing pain) which I believe speaks to the Holocaust and the first “time of Jacob’s trouble”.


In Isaiah 66 the prophet says: “For soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children.”  This would be a unified Jewish people born out of hardship preparing the end of the 1,878 year Jewish Diaspora exile.  I would liken the Holocaust to this first labor pain which I would compare with Jacob’s first 7-years of labor pain under Laban, or the “first time of Jacob’s trouble”.    Isaiah, in the same verse 8, says: “Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?  Or shall a nation be born at once?   This seven year period 1938-1945 was Jacob’s first time of trouble which gave rise the Jewish nation in 1948.  


The year 1945 brought the end of World War II and resulted in the formation of the United Nations.  The United Nations represents “all the trees” of Luke’s version of the Fig Tree Parable.  The U.N., later in 1947 carved out of Palestine a Jewish homeland for the children of the Holocaust.  This was the “shooting forth (branches and leaves, no flowers and fruit) of the newly revived “fig tree” which represented “self-righteous Israel”.  Self-righteous for rejecting their Messiah and the symbol of the fig leaf fashioned as Adam and Eve’s covering for their sin.   The second “time of Jacob’s trouble” is fast approaching because the Fig Tree parables found in Mark 13, Luke 21 and Matthew 24 all indicate that the generation which sees the birth of Israel will see the Second Coming of Messiah Christ Jesus/Yeshua, save the true Church.


The Church will be removed prior to Daniel’s 70th week because that week is about the condemnation and judgment associated with rejection or indifference to sin, repentance, God’s righteousness and offer of forgiveness.  Daniel’s week represents a new dispensation of faith and works. We who belong to Jesus may rest assured that there is “now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1)  For it is the Son who judges. (John 5:22) Believers in Christ are His body.  “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” (John 5:24) 


Let us be encouraged by Paul’s statement in 1 Thessalonians 4:18 that God has a date set to deliver us from the wrath to come.  Let us look expectantly for a Shavuot redemption where the dead in Christ shall be raised as the first wave offering loaf, and the living in Christ to be transformed as the second wave offering loaf.  The typology of Leviticus 23: 17 completes Shavuot typology and the second order of the first resurrection. (1Corinthians 15:20-24)


During Daniel’s 70th week, God will call out a Jewish remnant. (Romans 9:27)  The remnant will represent true Israel. (Romans 9:6)  “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:  For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes. (Romans 11:26-28) 


The second time of Jacob’s trouble will result in the birth of the Christ/Yeshua believing Jewish remnant nation. This fig tree nation will flower and produce fruit, the fruit of belief in Messiah Jesus/Yeshua.  Hosea 9:10, in part, says: I saw your fathers as the “first ripe” in the fig tree at her first time.  Fig tree horticulture is instructive.  The fig tree coming out of winter dormancy flowers and sets fruit before its leaves appear.  This is the “first ripe” fig fruit.  God says he saw Israel’s fathers as fruitful figs.  Israel has failed to produce any fruit since the Hosea’s words.  However, in fig tree horticulture, the fig tree sets a second crop in the Summer on the new branch growth. This second summer fruit set is the “second ripe fruit”.  Israel returned to God’s land in 1948 and has produced no national fruit.  It has only grown branches and leaves.  However, remnant Israel, in the future, will blossom and set the fruit of belief as they receive their Messiah during Daniel’s 70th week. (Revelation 12:17, 14:12) This will complete the fig tree prophecy typology because belief in Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is the fruit that the Lord seeks during Daniel’s week.


Blessings, Greg Wilson