Gino (10 Apr 2022)
"Why is that?"

I Kings 20:35 And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said unto his neighbour in the word of the LORD, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man refused to smite him.
  37 Then he found another man, and said, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man smote him, so that in smiting he wounded him.
  38 So the prophet departed, and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with ashes upon his face.
  41 And he hasted, and took the ashes away from his face; and the king of Israel discerned him that he was of the prophets.

Apparently, by having a wounded face, with ashes over the face, the king didn't discern that he was a prophet.
But when he took the ashes from his face, the king discerned that he was of the prophets.
Why is that? Did the man's face shine some, like Moses' did?