Garry B (3 Apr 2022)


John 3:3 & 6

" Verily,  verily, I say unto thee , Except a man be BORN AGAIN he cannot see the Kingdom of God . That which is born of the flesh is flesh  , and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit."

We , who are members of the Body of Christ Church , when we first believed we were SEALED and SANCTIFIED  by the Holy Spirit with the promise of SALVATION , and that we will in the future, be "BORN AGAIN" in the same manner  as Jesus was "BORN AGAIN".  BOTH Jesus and we are FIRST BORN into this earthly world from our mother's womb with flesh and blood bodies which cannot enter heaven. AFTER Jesus was dead for three days God resurrected Him back to life in His Spiritual body which can enter into heaven , thus Jesus was  " BORN AGAIN " into the Spiritual world BEFORE He ascended to heaven. In like manner we also WILL BE "BORN AGAIN"  WHEN our earthly , flesh and blood bodies are REDEEMED for heavenly , glorified bodies according to :

1 Corinthians 15:49

"And as we have BEEN BORN in the image of the earthly, we shall also BE BORN in the image of the heavenly."


If you are presently in the flesh and blood body that you were FIRST BORN into this world with, you are not yet born again But if you are sealed by the holy spirit with the promise of salvation you will be "BORN AGAIN" on the Day of the resurrection of the dead first and then the rapture of the living which is also the Day of  REDEMPTION , and the  Day of SALVATION.

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !