Garry B (10 Apr 2022)


God's Plan for everything was made by Him  "from the foundation of the world".  He gave  man free will of choice, therefore the plans of men are ever changing,  but God's Plan is unchanging , and is not made by Him as time goes along or influenced by human events. God has already made His plans for everything IN  ADVANCE "from the foundation of the world".  He knows everyone who has ever  been born,  and everyone who ever will be born  into this world EVEN BEFORE the foundation of the world according to :

Ephesians 1:4-5

"Accordingly, HE HAS CHOSEN US , IN HIM,  'BEFORE' THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD that we should be holy , and without blame before Him in love. Having PREDESTINATED US unto the adoption of  children by Jesus Christ to Himself,  according to the good pleasure of His will." 

John 15:16   "You have not chosen Me , but I have chosen you."


John 15:27 "You have been with Me from the beginning."

Hebrews 4:3

"For we which believe DO ENTER INTO REST  as He said, As I have sworn in My wrath  THEY SHALL ENTER INTO MY REST although the works were finished FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD."

 Revelation 13:8

"And all that dwell upon the earth ( the left-behind ) shall worship him ( the anti-Christ ) WHOSE NAMES 'ARE NOT' WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE of the Lamb  FROM THE FOUNDATION  OF THE WORLD."

Revelation 3:5

"HE THAT OVERCOMES shall be clothed in  white raiment ,  and I WILL NOT BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE  BOOK OF LIFE ,   but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels." 

Revelation  22:19

"And if any man shall take away the words  of the Book of this Prophecy ( the Book of Revelation ) God shall take away HIS PART ( name ) OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE ,  and out of the Holy City and from the things which are written IN THIS BOOK ."


All of the members of His  Body of Christ Church were known and  CHOSEN by God  BEFORE THE FOUNDATION  OF THE WORLD, but those who are called by God and ignore His calling, DISASSOCIATE THEMSELVES FROM BEING CHOSEN by God according to the Scripture,  " Many are called, but FEW are chosen." ( Matthew 22:14 )


Those who refuse Jesus Christ's call of His FREE OFFER of Salvation IN THIS LIFE,  WHEN THEY DIE ,  Jesus will BLOT OUT their name  from the BOOK OF ETERNAL LIFE, and make reservations for them IN THE LAKE OF FIRE according to : 

Revelation 20:15

"And whosoever WAS NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !