Fay (10 Apr 2022)
"The Truth about this War"


Hi John and Doves,

An excellent article in the link. Confirming my instinct that we are watching a "Game of Thrones" scenario. Russia, China et al, have seen this latest power play from the USA administration and they are all taking their positions. They most certainly don't wish for the USA (plus their NATO allies) to take over the world. Russia and China are also not the good guys either. They are all as evil as each other. They use the poor and needy as cannon fodder. Which has always been the case in each and every war. No matter where in the world - the politically powerful sit back in their panelled offices, smoking cigars and sipping the finest claret, whilst the ordinary people get slaughtered, raped and starved.

For the first time, I truly feel liberated. The total evil of our political classes is no longer in doubt. We used to give them the benefit of the doubt in the days of yore. Believing that mistakes were made but their intentions were good. NO LONGER. Our blinkers have been removed.

The thing is - they will destroy each other. We have our LORD Jesus. We will emerge triumphant.
