Chance (3 Apr 2022)
"July 8, 2022 - Muslim Cleric Predicts The End of Israel"

Hello John and Doves,
A Muslim prophecy is fueling attacks in Israel.  Amir Tsarfati has a recent youtube video about this prophecy and what's going on.  
Amir talks about a Muslim cleric from Iran that came up with a formula and by calculating some dates that he got from the Surah in the Koran, he came up with the date of Israel's end - July 8, 2022.  This is emboldening Muslims to attack Jews. Some clerics in mosques in Israel are preaching about this.  This is causing excitement among some devout Muslims 'who want to go to Heaven' and want to take part in this effort to bring the end of the state of the Jewish people.
run time 6:36
"There is a date recurring obsessively in the proclamations of the leaders of the Arab-Islamic world:  2022.  It is the year that they have reserved for the end of Israel."
Islam Plans to Destroy Israel by 2022 - Israel National News
Back in 1990, there was a book published in Arabic that was about "the collapse of the Israeli empire in 2022"; it was written by a Palestinian Arab scholar, Bassam Nihad Jarrar. 

Here is the "End of Israel in 2022" by Bassam Jarrar.  He explains all of his calculations/dates/etc. 
End Israel 3
Maybe this 'prophecy' will be the hook in the jaw to bring the hordes against Israel - where God destroys them on the mountains of Israel.
We may be very, very close to something big happening on the prophetic clock with Israel and the Arab/Muslim countries.  And we have started the first month of the Biblical calendar.  The first three High Holy Days are fast approaching.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!