Chance (3 Apr 2022)
"World Government Summit, New World Order, Abrahamic Family House"

Hello John and Doves,
It's all coming together!
The World Government Summit met last week in Dubai.  Their agenda is "shaping the future of governments."  "It was founded in 2013 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the vice president and prime minister of the United Arab Emirates and the ruler of Dubai." 
World Government Summit: ‘Are we ready for a new world order?’ –
"Its 2022 meeting opened last Wednesday with British journalist and CNN Abu Dhabi-based anchor Becky Anderson asking, "Are we ready for a new world order?"
The Introduction session had a huge crowd in a huge theatre.
All the important people attended - Klaus Schwab gave the introduction; he said they are changing things and they aren't sure how that will go but they do know that the global energy system, food system, and supply chains will be deeply affected.  Food, energy, and how we get things.
Topics:  Are we ready for a New World Order?  The new digital money.
Glenn Beck covers this in his video "Arrogant Global Leaders Admit They'll 'Abandon' Traditional Money...
Glenn Beck - ARROGANT Global Leaders Admit They'll 'ABANDON' Traditional Money for Digital | Facebook
Notes:  They are about to release digital money.  We'll need a digital constitution of human rights.  Super powers will introduce digital money.  Digital system. 
New York Times reports on banks experimenting with digital currency.  No transactions will be anonymous.  Biden wrote an Executive Order for US departments to experiment with digital currency for the U.S.
This is the final grab for power according to Beck.
Pope Francis called for a New World Order in 2021.  "He described the new order as a shift from financial speculation, fossil fuels and military build-up to a green economy based on inclusiveness."  (Whatever that means.)  "The path to humanity's salvation passes through the creation of a new model of development, which unquestionably focuses on coexistence among peoples in harmony with Creation," he said."
World Government Summit: ‘Are we ready for a new world order?’ –
He obviously does not see Jesus as the answer to humanity's salvation.
Pope Francis, Joe Biden and other world leaders all celebrated International Day of Human Fraternity this year.   "People all over the world - including world and religious leaders - are celebrating the second annual International Day of Human Fraternity, which marks the third anniversary of the historic signing of the Document on Human Fraternity by His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Professor Ahmed Al-Tayeb in Abu Dhabi on Frebruary 4, 2019."  Joe Biden issued a special statement/letter for this anniversary. 
US President Joe Biden on International Day of Human Fraternity: "We have the opportunity to build a better world" | Human Fraternity
Joe Biden also talked about a New World Order just recently:  Biden: ‘There’s Going To Be A New World Order’ | The Daily Caller
The Abrahamic Family House is in Abu Dhabi - and is suppose to open in 2022.  It includes a church, a mosque and a synagogue.  (I have not found an opening date yet.)
It is obvious that the WEF, World Government Summit and the International Day of Fraternity are intimately connected.  We have the New World Order (or Great Reset) of the WEF preparing for the Antichrist and the Abrahamic Family House/Day of Fraternity preparing for the False Prophet.  These two go hand in hand.  These will lead right into the Tribulation Period.
THEY have plans for changing how we buy and sell, what we own, what we eat....and THEY will control all of this.  And Klaus Schwab warned the participants of the World Government Summit that their changes will negatively affect our energy system, our food system, and our supply chains.  They will create chaos around the world for their New World Order/Great Reset to rise out of.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!