Bob Ware (3 Apr 2022)
"8,888 gematria value of Philippians 2:16 shares a geometrical connection with Jesus Christ and 4/19/2025 (midpoint of the Tribulation?)"

When the circumference of a circle equals 3 x 2368 (Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’) then the sides of the golden rectangle within that circle round off to 1189 (the number of chapters in the Bible) and 1924.


Each of the 8 45-degree arcs of this circle measure 888 (the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’). 888 x 1000 equals: 888,000. There are 888,000 hours in 37,000 days. 3700 is the gematria of the 12 tribe names on the Breastplate. Its bottom row of three tribe name gematrias total 888.


Philippians 2:16 is the only Bible verse with a gematria of 8,888: “Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” Philippians 2:16 is 3 x 5 x 113 verses from the end of the Bible.


From 1/1/1924 to 4/19/2025 will be 37,000 inclusive days. 4/19/2025 is the final date when you return to the center of my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ diagram from the last date around its circumference (4/8/2024 Solar Eclipse across the U.S.).


The inclusive length of the long side of the golden rectangle with a diagonal of 1480 (the Greek gematria of 'CHRIST') equals 1260. 4/19/2025 plus 1260 days will be 9/30/2028 – the Day of Atonement in 5789.


The golden rectangle within my ‘Circle of Christ’ with a diameter of 1480 has sides of 778 and 1259. 1189 + 778 equals: 1967. >From 1259 to 1924 there are 666 values.