Bob Ware (10 Apr 2022)
"8 April 2022 > a Seven Day warning?"

I wrote the first part of this letter on 4/6/2022:


Between Good Friday and Resurrection Day there will be a full moon on 16 April 2022 (the first day of Passover ends at sunset on the 16th).


The English gematria for 'MONARCH BUTTERFLY FULL MOON' is 2361 > the sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers. 2361 + 7 equals: 2368 'JESUS CHRIST'.


The uppercase prime number gematria for 'MONARCH BUTTERFLY FULL MOON' = 913 > the gematria of the very first word in the Bible: 'In the beginning'. 


The title case ASCII code sum for 'Monarch Butterfly' is 1673.

The uppercase prime number gematria of 'MONARCH BUTTERFLY' is 605.

The lowercase composite number gematria of 'monarch butterfly' is 890.


      The sum of the three values: 1673 + 605 + 890 is 3168 > the Greek gematria for the three words: 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'.


The first day of Passover begins at sunset on Crucifixion Day 4/15/2022. The title case prime number gematrias of 'Crucifixion Day' (1946) + 'Passover' (1222) also equals 3168.


From Good Friday on 15 April 2022 to the Day of Atonement on 30 September 2028 will be 2361 inclusive days.


From 8 April 2022 to the Day of Atonement on 30 September 2028 will be 2368 inclusive days > the Greek gematria for ‘JESUS CHRIST’.


Watch 8 April 2022 for a seven day warning?




I wrote the following second part of this letter on 4/9/2022:


Over the years I have learned to watch for major signs, or even the minor ones that would be considered insignificant markers to most people.


I was watching 4/8/2022 for a seven day warning sign. On that day I drove my friend Roger to his eye doctor in a town 31 miles from where we live. The 31st triangle number is also the third perfect number (496). Roger is the same friend who gave me the butterfly calendar with the Monarch butterfly picture on the month of April. Before leaving on the trip I replaced the left rear turn indicator light bulb on his car. The purpose of a turn indicator is to warn other drivers of your intentions to proceed in a different direction. 


Roger has several health issues. One of them is diabetes. He wears a digital monitor that continuously measures his blood sugar levels and notifies him when it reaches an unhealthy level. After waiting in the eye doctor’s office for about an hour he showed me his blood sugar monitor. The reading was 177. There are 177 days between each of the Blood Moons in a Tetrad of eclipses. He called up the history on the monitor and the last three readings were: 177, 177 and 168. There are 168 hours in seven days. 177 + 177 + 168 equals 522 which is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Jesus’.


These numbers may not be the seven day warning I was looking for, but when I consider the fact that they came through the same man who gave me the butterfly calendar – it could be what I was watching for.