Patty Hayes (18 Apr 2021)
"My mind is reeling!!!!"


Operation Homebound

Horrific’ video shows police force-vaccinating disabled and special needs people..article from Life Site News/////LOS ANGELES, California, April 13, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A video circulating on social media shows members of the Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department (LASD) forcibly injecting people who are disabled and mentally handicapped with Johnson & Johnson’s now-suspended coronavirus vaccine.
The LASD launched “Operation Homebound” – “a program to vaccinate the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness” – in January, according to the department website.

For me, I cannot tell you how livid I am on this.  I am in Orange County and I will say this, although disabled to a point, I can communicate well, swing a baseball bat like a pro still,  and will most assuredly let them know, "you are out of bounds".  No one has the right to forcibly vaccinate me or anyone for that matter.  To do this without the respect of these folks, their dignity, their fear level beyond measure and so much more.  And, it irks me to no end to now for Pastors, some who even claim they are End Time preachers that say this is okay, no problem.  They need a second look.  This, I am sure, will be coming to a neighborhood near you or your own.  There are many videos on this and NO needs to be the operative word. 

Also, in Israel a few days past this occurred.  It is my hopes those who do incredible research will truly take a look into this.

In a stunning turn of events, the Ultra-Orthodox Jews have “discovered” and “revealed” their messiah at Passover!
This has come about because of three prophecies by Rabbis concerning the coming of their messiah, although there are more. The first one predicted that starting in the year 5780 there would not be a sustainable government in Israel for an extended period. Israel’s election trouble began precisely in the year 5780, 2019, and the Israeli government has been unstable ever since.
The second one speaks of political battles between two “Benjamins”. The two “Benjamins” are Benjamin Netanyahu and Benjamin Gantz.
The third says the messiah will come after the third time the Israeli government has fallen. There has now been a fourth time and Israel is moving into a 5th election.
These three have been fulfilled. And now it appears that the messiah has appeared. But is this particular messiah “the One”? Let’s examine him the way the Jews wanted to examine Yeshua.
One commenter of a video with Rav Shlomo Yehuda Beeri teaching said, Blessed is the generation that got to see his face … Continuous pleasure examining the next world to hear and see the rabbi.
Another wrote, There are no words to describe how much privilege we have in this generation of such a truly humble whole sage. It’s a lesson of humility to see him and hear that special voice. Heaven on earth.
And then there is this one: Most wonderful … a holy and pure mouth pure and clean.
Who is Shlomo Yehuda Beeri AKA Jiziahu Ben David? Let me answer the Jiziahu Ben David name first. ‘Jiziahu’ is Hebrew for “taxation”. It can also mean “compensation”. Commenters on Youtube are calling Shlomo Yehuda Beeri the “compensation of David”. It is more likely that his name will lead to heavy taxation of all sorts as was the case with Rehoboam in the scripture. “Taxation” will probably me a more appropriate epithet for him in the future. Most certainly, he will be a burden on everyone like heavy taxes.
Shlomo Yehuda Beeri is actually Rav/Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Beeri AKA Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda Shlita AKA “Yenuka”. He is lauded as the greatest Kabbalah teacher of this generation if not of all time. It is difficult to determine which glorification is being used because almost everything about him is in either Hebrew or Spanish. Certainly, in videos, he is seen teaching the head Rabbis of the Sanhedrin, according to the audio from those videos, some of which you have heard today.
Here is some information from the Daily Zohar from Hanukkah 2020:
Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri הרב שלמה יהודה בארי שליט”א. He is a Holy Tzadik. He is called ‘The Yenuka’ because he is young (about 32) and shows amazing knowledge of all aspects of the Torah. He knows by heart the Torah, Talmud and commentaries, Zohar and commentaries, Ari and commentaries, and many other writings of Tzadikim. During his lectures, he gives exact references by page number and paragraph. He has great humility, and many well-known rabbis in Israel come to his lectures. There are many stories accumulate about the miracles he makes with his blessings. I am happy to write about him because I see his existence in this world as a gift and a miracle from Hashem. It is great merit to have such a great soul in our generation. It’s a good sign that a greater light may be revealed soon in the world.
Another revelation is that Ohr Haganuz + ‘God’ numerically = ‘Corona’. Also, ‘Ohr Haganuz’ and ‘Hanukkah’ equal ‘Corona’. Covid 19 = 25 of Kislev that is the first day of Hanukkah. We see a strong connection between the plague that affected most of the world and Hanukkah.
What struck me was the connection of a Jewish-only holiday (it is not a Feast of YHVH) with COVID! This is one of the connections between Israel and its rapid vaccination roll out which led to the Green Mark, the Israeli vaccine passport. Click this link to read my article where I report why Israel calls the vaccine passport the “Green Mark”.
The article further says, …We are able to connect to Ohr HaGanuz and draw peace to the world in this volatile time.
Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri is now connected with “peace”, the call of the Son of Perdition (1 Thessalonians 5:3, 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Notice, too, that this man is attributed with “making miracles”.
Even though he is an Ultra-Orthodox Jew, it is being said that he is half Muslim. I have not been able to verify this. It is being said online without proof. However, if it turns out to be true, this knowledge could play a part in the Sunnis glorifying him.
Shlomo Yehuda Beeri is a man with bad eyesight who wears great big glasses to correct it. His bad eyesight is a sign of his spiritual blindness and the glasses are manmade just like his religion.
His age is given as either 30, 32, or 33 depending on who you listen to.
He was an IDF soldier, doing that as his service to Israel, and not as a career. From childhood, he only desired to study Kabbalah and that is what he did.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews around the world are calling him “moshiach”. These are Chabad Jews, Kabbalistic adherents. This is important to understand. Not all Jews are calling Shlomo Yehuda Beeri “moshiach”. And remember that Chabad Jews had a moshiach in Menachem Begin Schneerson who is now dead. They adhere to men.
With that in mind, this may be the man who will be the Antichrist. He arose just over one month after Israel rolled out the mark of the beast. So we are certainly in “that time” when we would expect the Antichrist to appear. Shlomo Yehuda Beeri “appeared”. He was “discovered” praying at the wailing wall on the Sabbath, March 27, 2021. And it appears he was crowned “king”, or at least “moshiach” either that night or on April 3, 2021, the last day of Unleavened Bread week.
We also know that he is the son of a famous Kabbalistic Rabbi and that he claims descendancy from Hezekiah and secondarily through David. This still makes him from the line of Solomon, the line that YHVH said would ultimately not ascend His throne. Thus, Shlomo Yehuda Beeri is an illegitimate king/moshiach.
Also, Hezekiah worked with the northern tribes to attempt a reunification of all Israel as 12 tribes starting with his invitation to return to Jerusalem for Passover in 2 Chronicles 30. It was they who rejected Hezekiah, although some did return. Hezekiah was not trying to bring the northern tribes under the authority of the Southern House. Shlomo Yehuda Beeri will not be like that. He will advocate that all people come under Jewish authority instead of re-establishing national Biblical Israel with 12 tribes and, although belatedly, bring those tribes back from the nations where they are still scattered. Thus Shlomo Yehuda Beeri is not like Hezekiah at all!
Case in point for this is that the Jerusalem is shut to everyone but Jews for YHVH’s Feasts. Ephraimites, as non-Jews, are no longer and likely will no longer be allowed to attend YHVH’s Feasts in Jerusalem unless they swear allegiance to Shlomo Yehuda Beeri.
As the newly crowned king and moshiach of the Ultra-Orthodox, we have to ask who will control him? The Rabbis all fawn over him and elevate him as a great teacher but that is not the role of a king. So who will be telling Shlomo Yehuda Beeri what to do, how to proceed and how to respond to situations? The Rabbis of the Biblically illegitimate Nascent Sanhedrin!
And Shlomo Yehuda Beeri is a likely ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the only one of the two Benjamins that has the full support of the ultra right wing Ultra-Orthodox political parties in Israel.
If the people want a king over them because of the failed governmental system, it will not necessarily lead to the end of the Knesset. In fact, it would legitimize the Knesset to have a crowned king approve of the Knesset and choose, instead of President Rivlin choosing, a ruling political party and form a coalition based on that. Israel would then have the same kind of government system that exists in Jordan.
The ramifications of this are far-reaching. One ramification would be if the new king were to select an experienced politician like Benjamin Netanyahu over a less powerful and experienced one like Benjamin Gantz.
A private coronation of Shlomo Yehuda Beeri is not enough to satisfy the prophetic requirement of the Jewish messiah as king of Israel. This must be done publicly which I suspect might be done on Tishrei 1, Yom Teruah, as I said before. Until then, we have to wait and see what happens and how this develops.

Shlomo Yehuda Beeri’s possible public crowning may happen because Israel will be headed into a 5th election with no clear winner in the run up to it. No party leader is able, at this time, to make a coalition government.
Just when the mark of the beast vaccine jab and the Ultra-Orthodox Chabad Kabbalistic Jewish messiah have come on the scene in Israel, the vaccine passport system is causing a ruckus in the US. The US vaccine passport system is being hailed as similar to China’s “social credit system” and as a way to separate the “clean” from the “unclean”, the “pure” from the “impure” and will be used to separate those who are eligible to meet their Jewish messiah and king whether that happens sooner or later.
Ron Paul, in his Liberty Report, [from March 28, 2021], the Biden Administration’s …system “will quickly morph into a copy of China’s ‘social credit’ system, where undesirable behaviors are severely punished.”
Mandatory vaccine passports will be massively discriminating… As such, vaccine passports are nothing but loyalty cards… Loyalty to THE beast system.
As noted by former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf, …Once this rolls out, you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency. Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans.
Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. You credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included.
And without the vaccine passport that proves you’ve been marked/jabbed, you will not have access to Paypal, bank accounts, digital currencies you’ve invested in, your own medical records or those of your children, etc. And the time will come when you cannot shop for food.
This has already happened in Israel, and six months later, we’re hearing from activists that it’s [already] a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world.
It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.”
You should read this article to further find out how IBM was part of the marginalization of the Jews in Germany and it is IBM who is rolling out New York’s Excelsior Pass. A commentator on CNN said last week that freedoms must be withheld from the unvaccinated!
New York’s Excelsior Pass, which is America’s prototype and is the same type as Israel’s “Green Pass”, will allow the State of New York to geo-track you everywhere.
The first time you use the app, it will send those three items (your name, QR code and green check mark) to your mobile device, where it will be available regardless of whether you have service. Once a month, it will ping the health authority again to re-verify.
Yep. There’s Israel’s Green Mark rolling out in America!
The app will ping once a month for what? To make sure you’re still on the planet or that you’re still using your phone? The latter. Why do I say that?
Should a person scan the QR code, the app will ping the health authority to verify the authenticity of the information.
They want to track everywhere you go through the Green Check Mark so that you will never be out of their purview. Everywhere you go the system will need to ping your app all day every day. “They” will always know where you are and what you are doing! So if you lose that phone, they can’t track you. So they will ping you on your phone every month just to make sure you are still trackable.
Be comforted, though. FEMA has agreed to pay funeral expenses for those who died of COVID. All you need to do is to have died after January 20, 2020.
Everything that is now happening is part of a complete package defined in scripture as the conditions that will exist in the Tribulation – the mark of the beast, the Jewish messiah who will be crowned king and war!
I’ll be watching so stick with Beast Watch News as I bring you news and analysis of everything I can find having to do with the beast and its system, the possible messiah who could turn out to be the Antichrist and the rabbis pulling his shots as well as what the West’s and America’s enemies have planned militarily.
Be Blessed!
Kimberly Rogers-Brown

Thanks for your fellowship, Doves

Patty Hayes