John B (25 Apr 2021)
"A Frightening View of the Future !!??"


Many doctors and scholars in the medical micro-biology arena who are not amalgamated or joined at the hip with Big Pharma (the two snakes on a pole gang) are speaking out or should I say screaming out trying to warn the world as to what's coming down the road because of the massive roll-out of new experimental vaccines.

So what are these dedicated witnesses of medical truth proclaiming that is so frightening?

Well......from the numerous articles that I have read from the medical experts on this topic line there seemingly will be an avalanche of death and suffering coming down the road to the vaccinated people. An auto-immune overload, an over-inflammatory scenario will become “ripe” at approximately 48 weeks after these people have received the shots. A small exposure then to one of the 32 corona family viruses (like the common cold) will trigger an extreme over-response within their bodies that won’t turn off. This over-response leading to a cytokine storm or a septic shock situation within the body causing multiple organ failure and death.

Also it appears prior to that 48 week point there is another terrible result of these vaccines which begins soon after the shots are taken. That being..... some form of prions caused by the vaccines that go to the brain and continue to kill brain cells day after day. Within weeks or months these people will start losing cognitive function. What I see is a coming zombification of those who took the shots. These people.....well over a hundred million of them just in the US alone......will need care like Alzheimer's patients. This will completely overwhelm the medical complex and society in general. This to me would be the most horrific / evil situation to ever be unleashed upon humanity.

 If these things do happen........ a complete breakdown of the supply chain and society itself will result. The unvaccinated will be living within the reality of an extreme horror movie. Enjoy each day now because it appears any semblance of normal could erode away with time as the erosion of millions of human brains take place. Certainly hope I am wrong...... but this is what the forecast from the medical experts sadly appears to be.

Let me share a couple of recent examples from within my own sphere of family and friends that attest to this reality.

My father-in-law is 93 and in an assisted living home. His cognitive abilities have been remarkable considering his age. What's the adage....he hasn't lost a beat. He still paid his bills, did his banking, operated his computer, emailed.....did life on a normal level.

Well, all that changed after he was given the covid vaccines in January and February of this year. He no longer is able to perform those tasks I just listed and his general mental abilities / capabilities are sadly seemingly eroding away daily.

Here's the second alarming example.....My sister-in-law who oversees my father-in-law was relaying her father's troubling scenario to a life long friend of hers in Florida within this past week. This Florida friend had a shocking story of her own to tell my sister-in-law.

She said that her elderly father who lives in Florida was also given the vaccine shots at the beginning of the year only to see his mental abilities crash. But here's the kicker......for whatever reason this man in Florida had been given an MRI before the vaccines were administered and was given another MRI after the vaccines were given and the results were shocking.

The MRI given to the man several months after the vaccines were given to him showed significant deterioration of his brain especially in the frontal lobe.

This shocking revelation certainly appears to authenticate what the truth telling doctors (Dr. TenPenny) are screaming to the world. That an off-shoot, a side effect of these experimental vaccines is an attack on the human brain that deteriorates it like mad-cow disease.

If so....... my frightening scenario I described above could become reality for hundreds of millions of people who took the experimental luciferian cocktail....the depopulation shot......the Satanic DNA gene altering madness dispensed by the Ephesians 6:12 luciferian elites that now have taken control over large parts of the world.

Does the shot make these people GMO....genetically modified beings?

Does it make them unrecognizable and or un-redeemable to their creator due to the DNA / gene alteration?

Scary thoughts and maybe a beyond scary answer to the second question.


I will link two shocking videos below that speak to all of this by doctors who are professionals in this medical arena. A new Dr. TenPenny video where she now has isolated 8 different ways these vaccines can kill.

And a Dr. Bhakdi's video presented in layman's terms is beyond sobering as he describes in great detail the coming decimation of the world population as a result of this medical madness......this extreme medical malpractice being semi-forced upon humanity.

Blessings Doves.........John B