F.M. Riley (25 Apr 2021)
"Who? And Why?"

Who? And Why?

                                                                               Pastor  F. M. Riley

                                                                               April 20, 2021

     “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 

     The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take  counsel together against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying,

     Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.”

                                                                       Psalm 2:1-3


     I have some ask me, “Preacher, what is going on?  Why is the world in such a mess?”  Well, the answer is to be found right here in this Scripture text.  Let it soak in…..


     Notice that this prophetic text explicitly states that it is the “kings and rulers” who take counsel together against the Lord.  They are the ones who are causing the heathen to rage, and the peoples to imagine a vain thing. 

     Folks, the kings and rulers are the men living today who have been entrusted with the power of ruling the nations.   Sadly, fallen mankind does not know how to use power.  The more power they are given, the worse the world situation becomes.  And they have an insatiable thirst for more and more power.  This is exactly why the future Kingdom of Christ will be ruled by the Lord and His glorified saints.  It is just not in fallen man to be entrusted with the power of ruling.  We all know what a king is (a dictator), but who are the rulers being referred to in this prophecy? 
     They are the Presidents, Governors, and assorted politicians that are in Congress, or in a Parliement.  Now take a serious look at the politicians in positions of power in America today, and you will know why America is in the mess it is in, and why people are marching, demonstrating, and rioting in the streets of America.  But let’s take a closer look at WHO these wicked people really are…….

     Most of our readers have read or heard of “The New World Order, the Deep State, the Club of Rome, the Illuminati,” and whatever else they call themselves.  But just knowing that such groups exist, is not the full story. 

They not only exist, but they run the world.  Our inspired text tells us that there was a time when they “took counsel together” against the Lord.  They decided to join forces in order to purge the world of God, Christ, the Bible, and of all true “Christian” believers.  They wanted to replace God by “playing God” themselves.    

     I do not know the exact time this decision was made by these wicked kings and rulers, but for the purposes of this study, I am going to say somewhere around 1973.  That was the year when the Club of Rome took a world map and divided all the nations on the earth into ten kingdoms.  Their plan was to have a king (dictator) ruling over every kingdom, and to have each of the tens kings answerable to an 11th king who would rule over all. There is no doubt that this plan was inspired by Satan.  Satan is well aware of the Lord’s plan to establish His kingdom on the earth, and Satan thought he could prevent it,, by establishing his own kingdom. This would form a one-world government, which “supposedly” could guarantee peace and safety for the entire world.  There would be no more wars, and the whole of mankind could devote themselves to peace and prosperity.  Sic!

     Now if any reader thinks this is just a fantastic, fool, theory, perhaps you need to carefully study the prophecies of Revelation.  Notice carefully Revelation 12:3, 13:1, 17:3, 17:7, 17:12, and 17:16.  Study also Daniel 7:7-8, 7:20, 7:24, 8:3, 8:6-7, and 8:20.  How many horns or kingdoms are set forth in these prophecies?  Now whether some want to believe it or not, during the coming seven years of the Tribulation period, the entire world WILL be divided into ten kingdoms, just like these wicked anti-god kings and rulers have planned, and have been working for,  ever since it was planned out by their counseling together with the Club of Rome. 

     But before they could bring their plan to reality, they had problems for which they had to find solutions.  


     Their first problems was “population reduction and control.” In their wicked minds, there were just too many people living on the earth.  So is it just “coincidence” that shortly after their meeting in 1973, abortion was “legalized.”  The cold blooded murder of the  innocent unborn.  This, they reasoned, would stop population growth.  Since it was “legalized” in 1973, according to a government report I received, there have been 63 MILLION innocent unborn babies killed (aborted) in America alone.  Of course this wicked evil was planned to begin in America.  Why?  Because for 200 years the other nations of the world had looked to America for moral guidance.  These wicked world planners knew that if America “legalized” abortion, the other nations of the world would follow America’s example.  And they did!  If moral America approved aboretion, then it must be okay, and nation after nation then “legalized” it in their country.  Since 1973, there have been MILLIONS of innocent unborn babies slaughtered all over the world. 

     Now let these readers who believe this great nation of America will never be destroyed, or cease to exist, run this through their minds.  Does God have any reason to destroy this  “slaughter house” of the innocent unborn?  Well…??

     Another problem…..Even in 1973, these wicked world kings and rulers  believed that the world population was too great.  There were nearly 8 billion people living on the earth.  The wicked world planners reasoned that the earth could produce enough food for 5 billion people, with no one going hungry.  So they set out to reduce the population of the world by bringing about the death of some 3 billion people.  Have our readers ever ask themselves why, since 1973, there has been a WAR going on somewhere on the earth all these years?  And “you ain’t seen nuthin yet!”  Think Covid 19 and the vaccinations taking place today.  These wicked kings and rulers, during the coming Tribulation, will be slaughtering people by any means possible.  They couldn’t care less about your brother, your husband, your son, or even your daughter.  They have an agenda they are working towards, and they have no plans to stop until their goal is reached. 

     Oh yes, the third major problem…..those stinking “Christians.”  They have to be eliminated!  So how would this be done without raising the ire of the general public?  One way was the “legalization” of homosexuality, followed by homosexual marriage.  Defiling the moral conduct of people would turn many away from Bible believing Christianity. Since the end of the Second World War, and especially since 1973, the churches have been deserted by thousands who used to claim a belief in God, Christ, and Bible believing Christianity.  Now thousands have been suckered into adopting the wicked theory of evolution, believing themselves to be only a “higher” form of animal.  Sadly, this wicked theory is being taught in the schools, the colleges, the universities, and throughout the whole general populatiop.

     But everyone, especially true believers, are not STUPID!  Today there is a “remnant” of true Christian believers who refuse to renounce their Christian faith.  By the grace of God I am one of that “remnant.” 

     So what do these wicked world planners have planned to rid the world of us who are true believers?  Simple!  Make Bible believing Christianity “illegal,” and persecute anyone who resists.  A rev ivaL of the “Dark Ages.”

     Folks, as I write such persecution has already begun in parts of the world.  Christian pastors in some countries, especially in countries with a large Muslim population, have been  kidnapped and klilled for refusing to renounce Christ.  Christian church buildings are being  burned.  Christian believers are being  beaten, imprisoned, tortured, raped, and killed.  Such is going on right now in some third world countries, and even some high tech industrial nations, which supposedly grant “freedom of worship” to their citizens.    

     Oh yes!  It has already arrived in CANADA, our next door neighbor.  Now how long do our readers think it will be before such persecution of true Bible believing Christians comes to America? 

     In a sense of the word, it already has!  Right along with every other public building, when the so-called “pandemic” was announced, the churches of America were ordered to close their doors.  Most did!  A few refused to close and stop holding services.  Needless to say, those pastors who refused to close their churches, were given citations, some were arrested and fined, and some were just harrassed by rioters.  So American Christian believers are not exempt from the Satanic persecution that is coming, and I mean BIG TIME AND REAL SOON.  Now how much do our readers really “love the Lord?” 


     Any true believer knows, or ought to know, about the bitter persecution, suffering, and death, the Lord’s churches and people had to endure during the “Dark Ages.”   But after those “dark ages” ended, the Lord Jesus Himself promised His church and people,

     But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira,as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden,” Revelation 2:24. 

     Dear readers, what happened to the Lord’s churches and people during the “Dark Ages” will never happen again.  Why not?  Because our Lord is coming to resurrect and rapture His church and believing people out of this present evil world, Galatians 1:4.  The Lord Jesus is coming to RESCUE His church and people out of imminent danger.  The world situation is in such a state of wickedness and evil, that the Lorrd’s coming to deliver us, may (will) take place at any minute of any day now.   Rather than living in fear, spend your time studying the Word, witnessing, and praying.  I most certainly do believe the Lord Jesus is coming for His church bride and people on or near Pentecost (or before) THIS YEAR, and I have no shame in saying so.  Look up!  Our redemption is drawing nigh, Luke 21:28.  Meet me at the Lord’s table in glory, Matthew 26:26-29    

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Pastor F. M. Riley     francisriley1934@gmail.com