Fay (25 Apr 2021)
"Bubble, Bubble - Toil and Trouble"


Hi John and Doves,

In the link is a very well written post from Chance re the Covid passport. Chance asks if this vaccine is all about population reduction. Please read his post if you missed it - and to be reminded.

I absolutely agree that the vaccine IS about population reduction. We have been aware of these rumours for years. Secondly - take a look at all the illegal immigrants swarming around the border between Mexico and America. People are rightfully asking - how come hard working Americans MUST isolate - MUST wear masks - MUST maintain social distancing and MUST take the vaccine? When these border immigrants are swarming around in huge groups with zero social distancing. Zero masks etc. Ostensibly spreading disease wherever they go.

I put it to you that the elite need a slave army. They can't be doing with intelligent, educated folk who will push back as much as possible. They need an uneducated, needy and compliant people who they can herd into FEMA camps and use them as they wish. Particularly as the illegal immigrants are unarmed and defenceless. My heart goes out to them. They are merely cannon fodder to the elites. Needy, desperate people who are going to comply with whatever is required of them.

These illegal immigrants are not needed as future Democratic voters, as many suspect. It is my guess they are needed as a future slave people. Conservative, well educated and Christian Americans (of ALL races) need not apply.
