Fay (25 Apr 2021)
"The Vaccine!!"


This is one of the best, most logical thoughts I have read re the Covid vaccine. The entire article is in the link below. I will quote the best part of it.

"The science tells us that the vaccines are 95% effective, so if you have a vaccine - quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbour has one or not?" Johnson said. "What is it to you? You've got a vaccine and science is telling you it's very, very effective. So why is this big push to make sure everyone gets a vaccine? And it's to the point where you're going to shame people - you're going to force them to carry a card to prove that they've been vaccinated so they can still stay in society. I'm getting highly suspicious of what's happening here"

Ron Johnson is a Republican senator. Of course, he gets pilloried by the "experts" who call him ' scientifically illiterate'. LOL. If anyone is scientifically illiterate, it's our current "experts" pushing for the vaccine. These so-called scientists are the same one's telling us that gender is fluid and that there's no such thing as a man or a woman. Nobody is born biologically male or female. It's a choice, didn't you know. These same experts have called climate change deniers "science deniers". Hilarious! If anyone is denying the science, it's them ... with their gender fluidity nonsense. The political elite and their science lackeys have gone stark, raving mad. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

Man - the foxes are well and truly loose in the hen house.
