A Goodrick (25 Apr 2021)

John and Doves,

"People may spurn our appeals,
Reject our message,
Oppose our arguments,
Despise our person,
But they are powerless against our prayers."
      J. Baxter

That's a good quote to remind us to pray for our relatives and friends who still resist the grace of God, even though nearing death.

If we have relatives who may die without the Lord, we cannot presume their eternal state.

We are told in
1 Corinthians 4: 4, 5
"For I know nothing  by myself....
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, 

"Who both will  bring to light the hidden things of darkness,
and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts.
And then every person have praise of God. "

It is a comfort for us to leave all outcomes to God. He alone knows all things, especially concerning last minute conversions.

My job is to lift that person in prayer before that person passes on.

"God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you."
1 Samuel 12: 23

May we be pleasantly surprised to see them there in heaven, as will they be 
to see us there.