1 Cor 10:31 (25 Apr 2021)
"Well, if people can't see it by now!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


The headlines on DRUDGE REPORT Weds. April 21 were about 1. Pay with palm scanning (thanks to amazon)  AT WHOLE FOODS (test markets – soon to come to a neighborhood near you!)  in Seattle WA!!!   They won’t stop there though – they are merely getting it going!!  People will love it so it will quickly spread.


C’mon guys!!  Palm scanning is just a hop, skip & jump away from SCANNING RIGHT HAND OR FOREHEAD (mark of the beast)!!!!  Also soon coming to a neighborhood near you!!!  (on the heels of the rapture!!)




2. Another headline was about Israel retaliating against Syria – when Syria sent a missile awfully close to a nuke reactor inside Israel!!!!!


ISAIAH 17 anybody??   Could very, very, VERY easily happen this summer!!


PERHAPS we exit first – via a certain loud Trumpet & the Lord stepping out on a cloud to call us up!!!!!   “COME UP HERE!!” 


Until nuke missile actually fly – I hold fast to thinking the rapture happens BEFORE…. Reason is simple – while men are continuing about their lives!!  Though soon after without the restraining part of the Holy Spirit, then anything goes.


Anyway, with everything set right now:  it’s just like – did you ever attend a concert (a wholesome one hopefully!!)  and the pre-show was pretty good – but you were really there for the REAL DEAL!!!!   So as the pre-show ended, everyone would catch their collective breaths – and you knew it could just be any minute when the star/s would step out on stage!!!!!


That’s us  N O W!!!!!


The pre-show is just about over – EVERYTHING IS SET TO GO!!!!!  The stage is completely READY!!!!!


AND….. the curtain is just about to open for the REAL DEAL!!!!   We go U P!!!!  to see the REAL LORD!!!!!


Then the Tribulation ensnares the whole world!!!!!!


Though abiding in the Vine Christians who currently have their lamps full of oil must exit first – before The Tribulation!!!!!!!



Where’s Randy when you need him?  Here, I’ll take the baton & say:  TICK TOCK!!!!!!


This may be the last call!!


It certainly cannot be long.