1 Cor 10:31 (25 Apr 2021)
"So what do you say?"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Help, Doves, help!!


I’ve got a young friend – 30, who I guess in a way I look at as my “honorary granddaughter”.


She knows I’m all about the rapture!!


BUT…. She says point blank that she does not WANT it to come any time soon!!    She feels she hasn’t “lived her life yet”.  She’s hopeful to some day marry & bring kids into this world.  She (actually) believes there could be revival “this side of the rapture” to bring in more believers.  I have a good ol’ Southwest slogan for that train of thought:  “HOGWASH”!!!!!


I try in every way possible to get her to understand how very evil the world is – and getting worse by the milli-second!!

AND how TECHNOLOGY is here N O W  and ready to go!!!!   And the world is on the very cusp.


Sadly, she won’t listen to a word!!


I can & will pray for her.  But I don’t know whether even prayer can break the barrier of her stubborn thoughts!!


I know most think …. Well just don’t worry about it because she will simply be raptured ANYWAY.  And for her sake & others like her, I surely hope so!!


BUT I tend to be more of the mind that “according to your faith”.   And that Luke 21: 36 was not put in the Bible for “no reason”!!!!  If we are to watch & pray always to be accounted worthy to escape & to stand before the Son of Man…. Doesn’t that more of less say that not every Christian (b/c that verse was written to Christians ONLY – certainly non-believers are not going to be told to watch AND PRAY!!!)  anyway, not everyone WILL BE accounted worthy?   Otherwise, why pray for it if it was “automatic”???



UNFORTANATELY she is the daughter of the friend who likes to argue that the rapture “might be” another 1000 years away!!  And the reason the lady has herself talked into that – is b/c after her husband died 21 years ago – she felt so sure Jesus would be back within a couple of weeks!  Major disappointment enveloped her when it did not happen as she wanted & expected it to.  So now she goes to the other extreme so as not to set herself up for disappointment again.  I say “unfortunately” not meaning that it’s unfortunate who her mother is – just that her mother wields great influence on her & her sister in telling them this!!!  So no one in that family is looking, watching, expecting…. OR READY!!!!



In addition to prayer, does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions??


Maybe I was just a dweeb??  (old person… old term!  Ha!)  but I wanted the rapture to happen even when I was younger!!!!  I didn’t look out & view a sea of opportunities for living on this earth!!  I always had this innate hunch (well I shouldn’t give myself credit!)  I’m sure it was from the Holy Spirit!!  That this world was and is evil!!  And that going up to be with the Lord in paradise forever is a good thing!!!!


Liz (is her name should you like to pray)  will get her desire of seeing tons of others come to Christ – though it will happen AFTER the rapture!!!!!!  Certainly not before.