Steve Coerper (26 Apr 2020)
"New "social conventions" and what they may really mean"

Dear John and Doves:

Why 6-foot "social distancing"?  Why not 4 feet or five or seven?  Maybe because it's symbolic.  When you are six feet under you are dead, and 6 feet is the closest you can get to anyone. 

Why face masks?  Because "covering your face" is also symbolic of death.  When someone dies, the person certifying the death covers the face of the deceased.  In OT times (see Esther 7:8) having the face covered signified imminent and unavoidable death.  It also signified (I understand) the loss of legal personhood.  A person with his face covered could not conclude any legal act.  Even appeals for mercy would probably be ignored as if never uttered.

The bad guys want us to symbolically participate in our own deaths and the deaths of our countries.  This has nothing to do with health or science; it's Satanic ritual and the bad guys are trying to force us to participate.