Ola Ilori (26 Apr 2020)
"The Rapture, An asteroid on April 29th, The Last Day of Unleavened Bread on April 28th"

It appears that God's Passover won't be until April 21st, First-fuits until April 23rd, and the Last Day of Unleavened Bread until April 28th. Also it just so happens that an asteroid is expected to fly by earth on April the 29th. Many have had dreams of the Rapture occurring when, or just before, an asteroid hits earth! Could this asteroid be the one everyone is seeing in their dreams? I certainly hope so. I've now updated my  comment to line up with the Creator's Calendar:  "Time is indeed up! We're STILL good for a Passover Rapture on the Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 28th of April! This is according to the Creator's Calendar. With an asteroid heading our way by the end  "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks [that is 49 Years]...The street shall be built again, and the wall..."

The above text has nothing to with the building of Jerusalem before the Lord's 1st Coming. This is because the 7 weeks of 49 Years weren't fulfilled until our generation.  Being a 49 Year count means that the Year before and the Year after have to be Jubilee Years. The most recent command to restore and build Jerusalem, specifically the Jewish Quarter, the location of the Temple Mount, was made in 1970. This makes 1970/71 the 119th Jubilee Year. This is the Jubilee Year before Daniel's prophetic 49 Years. The 49 Year count started on the 11th of April 1971 [Day 1 Month 1] and ended on the 7th of April 2020 [Day 30 Month 12].

We're now in the Jubilee Year that comes after Daniel's prophetic 49 Years! This 120th Jubilee started on the 8th of April 2020 [Day 1 Month 1] This is the Year in which the Messiah the Prince will be revealed hopefully on the Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the 28th of April 2020 [Day 21 Month 1] This is it, my brothers and sisters! We're going home!
