James Brownlow (26 Apr 2020)
"Part 2 --- 2020. -- Psalm 90:10"

The year 2020 seems to be a marked year. Perhaps it is hidden in the latter part of Psalm 90....

90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The (70 year) generation is described in Matthew 24. Those who see the  " fig tree budding, putting forth leaves" ...will not pass away. 

There are two curious points to consider. When does or did the fig tree (always  national Israel in scripture) bud and second,  what does the "fourscore" or 80 years have to do with it ?

If the planting of Israel in May 1948 was the fig tree --trees do not bud when planted -- it takes time ; then the formation of its government and national growth in 1949 and  especially 1950 seem to be more likely starting points for 70 years. 2020 is 70 years.

What about "by reason of strength ...yet by labour and sorrow " and the "fourscore" or 80 years ? This sounds like tribulation but is 10 years , not 7. Could these extra 3 years be Trump's "short space" , as described in Revelation 17:10 , a 3 year period which precedes Trump's removal ? ....And "We fly away." ! ! !