Gino (26 Apr 2020)
"John, how exciting was it for you to work on the Psalm 91 message?"

	Clearly there must have been considerable effort and research preceding your message about Psalm 91.
Would it be alright to ask you how much time was involved from the time that you had the first thought about this psalm,
		until you were ready to put your message on FiveDoves?
You had mentioned falling out of you chair when you saw the number 170, when you researched the Hibakujumoku,
		were there other times while you were developing this message, where you perhaps shouted or cried with joy?
You mentioned that the second piece of evidence should thrill all believers who are waiting for the appearing of Jesus,
		was it very thrilling for you, as you discovered it?
How exciting was it for you to work on this message?
Hi Gino,
It took me at least a week to compose after I set my mind to it. Yes, I am excited to say the least!