Fay (26 Apr 2020)
"End Time Prophecies in Perspective"

I am sure there are more than I am recalling here, but we need to get all our ducks in a row. I have included a link with 23 Rapture Bible Verses.

My main aim is to focus on what we have been told in scripture. We have been told that He comes at an hour we do  NOT expect. We have been told that it will be as in the days of Noah - people buying and selling (pre mark of the beast) marrying and giving in marriage until "the day Noah entered the ark and the flood came and swept them all away". Signs in the sun, moon and stars.

There is a big, fat "yes" to most of the above except that we are not living in normal times at present. "Marrying and giving in marriage" etc. We are still buying and selling ....ish. But, marriage, ceremonies, parties etc? Not so much!

We are told that while they are saying "Peace and Safety", instant destruction comes upon them, and they will not escape.

This has me thinking. Maybe (a big, fat "maybe") we are here to see a sudden end to this virus. Life goes back to a semblance of normality. Everybody is jumping around yelling, "Peace and Security" because the virus is over and a ceasefire on war has been briefly announced around the world. As that silly gnome, Macron, is attempting to do. 

We are told that "that day" will not come until there is an apostasy or falling away and THAT man of sin is revealed. If you take the word apostasy as anything but the rapture - it means that we WILL see the man of sin revealed and ...THEN, the rapture.

Back to the Peace and Safety stuff........

This hiatus will be brief. SO brief that "sudden destruction" comes SUDDENLY. Like a thief in the night. On a day we do NOT expect.

In conclusion - our blessed hope will not come on a day we anticipate. An anniversary or mapped out time-line. It will shock everyone.

I don't hold to any so-called expert on what encompasses the rapture or the 2nd coming or...whatever. I believe we are all as clueless as each other. There are some very clever theologians out there but they cannot claim full knowledge of the end times. OR total understanding of the subtlety of scripture. There are many, many dissenting voices. Saying that - I so appreciate the sharing of knowledge and insight we are blessed to receive from avid and diligent researchers. I am at the point where I realise that no human being has the answer. Not anyone's fault. It's the way it is. Almighty God planned it this way.

Saying all the above - it is more than obvious that 2020 is THE year. John Tng's magnificent research has confirmed this.

We are still urged to WATCH and SEEK. Which means it's perfectly alright to keep searching for The Day.

23 Top Rapture Bible Verses - Scripture About End Times