Fay (26 Apr 2020)
"Iyar 5 / April 29th"

While watching another fascinating clip by Rabbi Glazerson, the following struck me as rather prophetic. Iyar 5th falls on April 29th on our calendar. This is the date that Israel officially became a nation. Rabbi G found this date in unison with the arrival of Messiah. Iyar 5, 5780. As always - the codes show that repentance is necessary for this to be realised.

Iyar 5, 5708 (when Israel was formalised)
Iyar 5, 5780

Such synchronicity. Simple but perfect. the 08 and 80 are reversed mirror images. Then I picked up an article (see link below) telling of a near earth asteroid, due to fly by on April 29th. The asteroid - bizarrely enough - looks like it's wearing a protective face mask.  It is also half the size of Mount Everest. The asteroid is unlikely to hit earth, but I found it odd that it appears in our skies at this time. No such thing as coincidence. We are being shown such incredible signs.

Stranger and stranger.

Asteroid passing Earth next week appears to 'wearing a face mask'