Derrick Drew (26 Apr 2020)
"A thought on Second Passover you might not have considered."

Well Passover and Easter have come and gone and we are still here. Bummer.
As watchers, we know the drill.
We watch every day with hope obviously, but we always tend to gravitate towards the next big day on the calendar.

Next up would seem to be Pentecost- but even before Pentecost, is pesach sheni, Second Passover which this year falls on May 7-8.

This is the only “second chance “ at observing a feast of the Lord and was instituted because some Israelites were unclean and could not keep the feast.  It has been duly noted that when Moses presented this problem to God, that God made provision for the Second Passover, 30 days later, not only for an unclean person- but also for a person on a “far journey “ which Moses never even mentioned.
(Reference: Numbers chapter 9)
This has caused speculation that maybe the Second Passover has something to do with the return of Jesus Who has certainly been on a long 2000 year “journey” away from us.

This could be true, but God might have even had someone else in mind when He made this provision, someone who has been on an even longer journey away longer than 2000 years.

Every Passover, the Jews place a cup for Elijah, hoping that he will arrive to announce Messiah- and we as Christians recognize that he will be one of the two witnesses present during the tribulation period.

Could it be that Second Passover is a provision made by God for Elijah to return (as one of the two witnesses?), who has been on a long journey, even longer than Jesus since he was  raptured many years before the first advent ?!?!?

I will let you draw your own conclusions as to the implications of this if indeed this is the year on which Second Passover finds its fullness and purpose.

Derrick Drew