Chance (26 Apr 2020)
"Hydroxychloroquine - Why Are They Lying About It?"


Hello John and Doves,

Hydroxychloroquine - Why are they lying about it and why are they on the same page as Bill Gates?

Ever since President Trump reported hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin may be a very good combination treatment/cure for coronavirus, Dr. Fauci has been VERY vocal against using hydroxychloroquine from the get go.

Dr. Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  He's on Bill Gates' leadership panel for the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness - this is coalition of partners (that include the National Institutes of Health, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum) that's working on vaccines for the coronavirus.

Dr Fauci never liked hydroxychloroquine - it's fairly inexpensive, easily manufactured, there is a generic, and the government has a very large stockpile now.  This drug has been around for dozens of years - the side-effects are very well known.  Bill Gates won't make a dime off of it.  Neither will Fauci.  Both are pushing for a vaccine with tracking.  If the people have a working drug, they won't want to take the vaccine.

And now, a "panel of experts" is recommending AGAINST using hydroxychloroquine and azythromycin for COVID-19.  Surprise, surprise!  And who picked and hired this 'panel of experts"?  Why the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases!  The panel reported that there was "insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against."  But they believed the data showed no benefit and actually caused harm.  Lethal heart problems.

And what was the 'study' that this panel of experts used to determine their hydroxochloroquine/azithromycin recommendation?  A VA study - funded by grants from - the National Institutes of Health! and the University of Virginia.

Medical records from 368 male veterans that were hospitalized across the country with confirmed COVID-19 were 'looked at' by the 'researchers'.  The 'researchers' reported a significant percentage of deaths when the patients were administered hydroxychloroquine and hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin combo.  About 28% of patients who were given hydroxychloroquins plus usual care died, vs 11% of those getting routine care alone.  And about 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too.

The 'researchers' admit it was not a "rigorous study" and was based on "observations of patient records" and they "could not rule out other factors that could have affected survival".  And this was not a peer-reviewed study.  
More Deaths, No Benefit from Malaria Drug in VA Virus Study |

This 'research' was of such poor quality and so blatantly biased that a French doctor responded to this VA report.  It was not a clinical trial.  And the VA's sickest COVID-19 patients were given the hydroxychloroquine and hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin combo as a last resort!

Dr. Didier Raoult, a French doctor did a study with 1,061 patients with COVID-19 that were treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and demonstrated 91% effectiveness with ZERO SIDE EFFECTS.

"Upon hearing the surprising results of the VA study, Dr. Raoult reviewed their findings and discovered several glaring instances of scientific misconduct."  "In the current period, it seems that passion dominates rigorous and balanced scientific analysis and may lead to scientific misconduct and this article (VA findings) is an absolutely spectacular example of this.  The analysis of the data shows two major biases.

One of the major problem Raoult found was that the hydroxychloroquine and hydroxychlorquine/azithromycin were given AFTER the patients had been intubated (put on ventilators).  "This is unreasonable at the time of the cytokine storm (after the patient is critically ill), as it is unlikely that hydroxychloroquine alone would be able to control patients at this stage of the disease."  The later in the illness you take this drug, the worse the outcome will be.  "The second problem:  "Incomprehensibly, the 'untreated group' actually received azithromycin in 30% of the cases, without this group being analyzed in any distinct way.  Azithromycin is also a proposed treatment for COVID-19 with in-vitro efficacy."  Well, then you can't call these patients untreated.
French Doctor Didier Raoult Cites 'Scientific Misconduct' in Recent VA Study on Hydroxychloroquine; Two Major Flaws

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, along with the NIH have pulled a fast one on the American public!  So why are they lying about hydroxychloroquine?

Every Left-leaning article I read on this subject used the same phrase:  "hydroxychloroquine touted by Trump"...then they go on to write about how unsafe and ineffective it is.

And guess what?  The FDA is now "warning against the use of two drugs President Donald Trump has repeatedly touted as a possible "game changer" in the fight against the coronavirus.  The Drug Safety Communication published Friday said the agency cautions against the use of hydroxychloroquine or chlorquine for COVID-19 treatment outside of hospitals or clinical trials due to the risk of heart rhythm problems."
COVID-19 treatment: FDA says hydroxychloroquine not safe or effective

This article goes on ..."The world needs a coronavirus vaccine ASAP."

THEY do not want us to have a working treatment for this virus!  And hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin is putting a kink in their agenda.

They are h*ll bent on getting us vaccinated!  Why?

Bill Gates is spending millions on getting a vaccine ready for manufacturing and he's already promised billions to get it manufactured for the world.  "Bill Gates said his foundation will invest billions of dollars on the construction of factories with the aim of developing a coronavirus vaccine.  The billionaire philanthropist disclosed that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be selecting the top seven candidates.  Even though the foundation will end up picking at most two of them, it is going to fund factories for all seven.
Microsoft’s Bill Gates to Spend Billions of Dollars on Coronavirus Vaccine Development

Bill Gates wants tracking devices/tattoos implanted when the vaccine is given - he can get this accomplished if HE is paying for the manufacturing of the vaccines.  And Dr. Fauci is on the same page as Gates.
Bill Gates and tattoo for vaccines - AOL Search Results

"Bill Gates: "It is fair to say that things won't go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we've gotten out to basically the entire world."
Bill Gates: We Won’t Go Back To “Normal Until” A Vaccine Has “Gotten Out To The Entire World” – Collective Evolution

"Fauci reiterated, as he has in previous press conferences, that life is unlikely to return to complete normalcy until a coronavirus vaccine has been developed."
Fauci Says He ‘Fully’ Expects Schools to Reopen in the Fall as Coronavirus Is Brought ‘Under Control’

There are many, many vaccine manufacturers scrambling to get a vaccine into trials, and then, hopefully, into the manufacturing phase.  There are at least 70 to date.  Bill Gates says he will manufacture the top one or two vaccines - the most promising, with his own billions.  Is his real concern 'people' or depopulation?  He is very vocal about getting us vaccinated for this coronavirus and very vocal about getting us 'marked'/tattooed and tracked when we get vaccinated.  
Powered by Gates Foundation Cash, MIT Develop 'Tattoo ID' Tracking Who Has Had Vaccinations - Sputnik International

"The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) today hailed Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, for their $2.2 billion donation to a family foundation specializing in supporting population and health project worldwide...The state department has announced it is ending US funding for the United Nation Population Fund...The state department said it was withholding $32.5 million in funding for the fiscal year of 2017 because the UNFPA "supports, or participates in the management of, a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization."
Billionaire Depopulation Club? - American Digital News

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are in all the of details of depopulation  - Buffet's Foundation's mission is depopulation.   He contributes to groups advocating radical population reduction, funding abortion devices and Planned Parenthood. 
Billionaire Depopulation Club? - American Digital News

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett spend billions to control minority populations

Some are expecting a vaccine to be ready for wide-spread use this fall.

Given Bill Gates' background and information on his foundation's projects, is he to be trusted to be in charge of manufacturing a vaccine for the world?  I think not.

Many of us would prefer a good working treatment or prophylactic to yet another vaccine to take!  But remember, the NIH, the CDC, FDA have the ear of the president.

There is a global agenda afoot.

A one world government, a one world religion, a one world economy.  And a lot fewer people. 

This is just one way they are preparing the way for the antichrist - for the End Times..

This bears close watching.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

