Chance (26 Apr 2020)
"Global Educational Pact, May 14th, 2020"


Hello John and Doves,

May 14, 2020 is the date of the Pope's "Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance" at the Vatican.  World leaders have been invited along with young people.  This will be held in the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall.

It is being promoted and coordinated by the Congregation for Catholic Education.  The goal:  form a global educational pact.

This educational alliance includes teachers, students, their families, and "wider civil society, including science, sports, politics, and charitable organizations.  An alliance, in other words, between the earth's inhabitants and our 'common home'... Pope Francis wrote.  "An alliance that generates peace, justice and hospitality among all peoples of the human family, as well as dialogue between religions."

"The most significant personalities in the world are invited to take part in the proposed initiative, political, culture and religious, and in particular the young people to whom the future belongs," the Vatican statement says.  The statement from the Congregation also said that the new educational pact will aim to heal three "fractures" affecting the world.  The first is that which separates reality from transcendence.  According to the Vatican, children should be introduced to "total reality", including openness to the transcendent, healing a "vertical rift between man and the Absolute." The second fracture the pact should heal is "horizontal", between generations, cultures, and with in the family, with people who bring different cultural visions and religions, and with those who face financial, social and moral difficulties.  The third fracture is that between humanity and the environment, with an urgent need to "create the conditions for 'ecological citizenship' that educates in "responsible austerity, grateful contemplation of the world, and care for the fragility of the poor and the environment."
Pope to launch global educational pact May 14th, 2020

I'm sure the Pope understands these three fractures and what needs to be done to heal them.  I have no clue what most of the 'statement from the Congregation' means - other than Greta Thunrberg has probably been invited and God has not.

This next link has a video of the Pope himself talking about this. And how we all need to be a global village to educate the young people, like HIllary Clinton's 'It takes a village...'...not a good combo of two people....
Pope Francis endorses Global Educational Alliance - Vatican News

He says we need a global compact on education to develop a new universal solidarity and a new humanism.

All of this is in follow-up to the Document the Pope signed with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi.  It's called "Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together".  You can read more here:
Pope and the Grand Imam: Historic declaration of peace, freedom, women’s rights - Vatican News

The Pope is calling for an educational pact that needs to be "revolutionary". 

Here is one outspoken critic of this - Mother Miriam of the Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Station; a video is at the link :

"Pope's proposal for 'new humanism' would 'wipe out Christianity':  Mother Miriam.  "We did not awake this morning to glorious news, and it all has to do with ruining our society, ruining our culture, and destroying the family."  The goal of the "Global Pact on Education" is to hand "on to younger generations a united and fraternal home."  Mother Miriam said this is the "common home of the devil. There is no common home we have but Heaven and Christianity on Earth this side of Heaven....The evil has entered into the Church, and it has been bought by the very pope himself and the hierarchy.  Mother Miriam called the pope's initiative to globalize education "demonic".

She said, "This is not to protect the family at all.  An educational village that will once and for all destroy the family and the human race."
Pope’s proposal for ‘new humanism’ would ‘wipe out Christianity’: Mother Miriam | News | LifeSite

This meeting is scheduled to take place on May 14, 2020. Don't know why that date was picked.  We all know May 14.

May 14 is the anniversary day of Israel's Declaration of Independence - on the Gregorian calendar.  Yom Ha'Atzmaut, on the Hebrew calendar is 5 Iyar which is April 29 - which is the day on which Israel normally celebrates their Independence Day. If there are any celebrations, they will begin Tuesday night, 4 Iyar, April 28th and end Wednesday night, 5 Iyar, April 29th.  This year's celebration in Israel has been cancelled by the government due to the coronavirus...everyone is being advised to stay at home.
Israel's Independence Day Celebration Cancelled - טיפים לבילוי בארץ

Yet, the Pope is having his "Global Alliance" in Rome - we'll see if this gets cancelled or becomes 'virtual'.  There may be more information available as we approach this date.

Some believe that this Pope is the final Pope (Pope Peter) and will be the False Prophet who is "the second beast rising out of the earth.  This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon.  And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worth the first beast, whose moral wound had been healed.  And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people.  Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and eyt had lived.  the second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed.  And the second beast required all receive a mark on the right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark - the name of the beast or the number of its name."  Revelation 13: 11-17

Concerning the coronavirus pandemic in Rome, the pope said, while giving a blessing during Easter to an empty St. Peter's Square: "We find ourselves afraid...And lost."
‘We Find Ourselves Afraid.’ The Pope Confronts Coronavirus. - The New York Times

That was the take away in The New York Times. 

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

