Bob Ware (26 Apr 2020)
"7 year period 30 April 2020 to 30 April 2027 link circles of: ‘Christ’, ‘Jesus Christ’ and ‘Time’ with 8 April 2024 Solar Eclipse"

I created a circle where the area of a one-degree segment equaled the circumference of 4524. The diameter equals the 1440 minutes in a day so I called it the ‘Circle of Time’. Since the diameter was the number of minutes in a day I made each unit of measurement equal to the passing a day.


The gematria of the first five translatable words of Genesis 1:1 is 2004. 2004 plus the composite number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (364) equals the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368). A circle is created from its center point and its dimensions are determined by the length of the radius. The ‘Circle of Time’ radius equals the number of days in two prophetic years (720). A Star of David within this ‘Circle of Time’ divides the vertical radius line into two segments of 360 units each. When I started the vertical radius line with 1 January 2004 the 360th day was the date of the earthquake and Tsunami that killed approximately 240,000 people (26 December 2004). When I reached the starting point of the circumference the date was the Winter Solstice of the 2005. God’s seasonal years begin and end on the Winter Solstice. The 4534th day around the circumference was 11 May 2018. I then proceeded back down the radius line to the center starting point. The date that fell at this point is 30 April 2020.


In the attached diagram I superimposed the center of the ‘Circle of Time’ over the location of 30 April 2020 around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. This point was the 929th day from the first date around the circumference of the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ (14 October 2017). There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament. The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers equals the 24,978 days from Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 1948 to the last day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle located at the bottom of the ‘Circle of Christ’ (2 October 2016). There are 1440 inclusive days from 30 April 2020 to the last day around the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. This will be the next total solar eclipse across the United States on 8 April 2024. The broken red line circumference of my ‘Circle of Time’ passes directly through 8 April 2024. The vertical offset of the centers of the ‘Circle of Time’ and the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ is 294 units/days. 294 is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS’ as derived from its Greek spelling. How can these anomalies just be coincidences?


The beginning date at the center of my ‘Circle of Christ’ diagram was 12 December 1997. I counted off the days from this point up the radius line of 740 to the starting point of its circumference which was the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (22 December 1999). From this point I continued around the circumference of 4650 units/days and then proceeded down the diameter line to the bottom of the circle. The last day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle fell at this point (2 October 2016). From this point I continued downward to create the 377 radius of the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. I then continued counting off the units/days of the 2368 circumference clockwise. The last date that fell at the end of the circumference is the date of the next total solar eclipse across the United States (8 April 2024). I then proceeded back up the diameter line of the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ to the center starting point of the ‘Circle of Christ’. The final date at this point is 30 April 2027. This is exactly seven years from 30 April 2020. How can this possibly be just another coincidence?


There were 2211 days between the starting dates at the centers of the ‘Circle of Christ’ (12 December 1997) and the ‘Circle of Time’ (1 January 2004). Could 2211 be a reference to 2 Kings 2:11 when Elijah was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind? JFK was taken on 22 November (22.11) of 1963.


29 April 2020 on the Hebrew calendar will be the 72nd anniversary of Israel’s rebirth on Iyar 5 of 5708 (14 May 1948). Could the seven year Tribulation begin on 30 April 2020?