Gino (28 Apr 2019)
"I'm asleep"

My brother had sent me an article written about the concern with Fox News' possible upcoming left turn.
I wanted to respond to him without being political, so this is what I wrote:
Fox News was always world-centered propaganda, anyway, now it will still put out worldly propaganda, but with a liberal bent, rather than a conservative.
   However, we are citizens of a better country, that is an heavenly, and while we still remain here, we are ambassadors of the King. We also, while yet here, are somehow already seated in heavenly places in Christ.
   Sadly, since the days of the Moral Majority, there has been a Pergamos style merger of US Christians with the world, that would have made Constantine jealous, albeit with the conservative side of the world. Making the conservative worldview look Christian, by the timely sprinkling of key verses of scripture and by appealing to the worldly zeal for certain religious principles, we all entered their matrix, and didn't even realize it. We are asleep, and in a conservative worldview dream state. Meanwhile, the other side of the darkness has recognized the success of the matrix of the christo-conservative dream state, and is now trying to merge religion with their side of darkness.  Coming soon will be the matrix of the christo-liberal dream state, in time for 2020.
So Fox News, who is well experienced with the matrix on the conservative side of darkness, will be far, far more successful at it, than CNN or MSNBC could ever be, and right on time.
       Additionally we're told to:

Colossians 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

       And we're also told to:

I John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
  16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 

       The great commission is not for us to bring back the happy days of the 1950's, nor to do our best to ensure that we get the best Saul for our choosing, we already have the perfect King. We also are not to conduct spiritual warfare with carnal weapons of the world, like picketing and voting. Those things cannot bring repentance or revival, nor bring people to Jesus. Too bad that someone has convinced us to think like the world, in order to solve problems or effect change. There absolutely cannot be political answers to spiritual questions, rather the answers are in his word, and the solution is us in his word, filled with his Spirit, allowing him to direct our path. I for one have greatly failed at that, and like so many others, I'm asleep.