Gerry Almond (7 Apr 2019)
"Perhaps Days of Darkness are just ahead.  Prepare for them"

April 6, 2019


Jesus was crucified on Passover.  He died on Passover.   He was entombed on Passover, before sunset.   He was 3 days and 3 nights in the "heart of the earth" while His body lay still and dead in the tomb.  He thus fulfilled the type given to us by Jonah who was entombed in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights (Matthew 12:40).  He also copied for us the experience of Moses and the Israelites during the days of their captivity in Egypt, by experiencing the first Passover, just before the exodus occurred.  Now darkness such as came to Egypt in Moses time is coming again, as the sun is evidently to be totally eclipsed by another heavenly body, bring darkness for 3 days and 3 nights. This was detailed vividly by the Lord to Linda Courtney, who published the message she received just about a week ago.

According to her message, it appears that we, the body of Christ will be "entombed" in our homes with only lamps and candles for light for 3 days and 3 nights as well.

But apparently not all of us. In the message, the Lord said that the dead in Christ will rise as their graves explode all over the earth. And that simultaneously we, the living Saints will be transformed as described in I Corinthinians 15:52ff. The word simultaneous means “at the same time” thus it follows that we will be raptured at almost the same time as the resurrection event. But, sadly the millions of saved ones, but who have been disobedient to the Lord's command to follow Him but rather lived in sin and disobedience will be the left behind. We know them as the Laodicean Church (Revelation 3:16ff). Thankfully they will remain for a relatively short time, not the full 3 1/2 years of antichrist rule. Many, though will die as martyrs. 

I suggest that as Jesus was in the tomb beginning at sunset which began the second day of Passover, that we may be in the dark here beginning at sunset on this second day of Passover, April 20 as well.     This darkness is to come like a blanket covering the earth. In Linda's message, the Lord said that a planet will eclipse the sun for 3 days and nights. Thus, the darkness is not nuclear, it is God Almighty with His great weapon called Planet X or Nibiru.

I believe that the world will come out of this time of darkness to find that many Christians are gone.  And since these are largely conservative people, the socialist liberals will outnumber the Laodicean left behind ones and will cause them very much grief.  The antichrist and the false prophet will arise from the chaos and will perform their destiny to rule the world for 1,260 days, long enough to ruin the world system. Their answer will be to adopt the mark chip, perhaps the one developed by America's International Business Machines, Inc (IBM) to cause all small, great, rich, poor, royal or pauper to be marked (Revelation 13).

It is the time of the mark of the beast. To take that mark is to be doomed forever.

It is horrible and terrible, but part of the punishment of the wicked and it is also a great test for the left behind Christians, left behind to learn obedience to the Lord's commands.

