Fay (28 Apr 2019)
"Whoa Nelly"

The entire saga of Notre Dame gets darker and darker. More bizarre. I will reiterate my gut feel that a war has been declared. Not just on Christianity but on the Roman Catholic church, as well. I know this sounds weird because we don't regard the RC church as representative of true, Bible believing Christianity. The RC church is well known for being incredibly wealthy - wielding huge influence over many people - particularly in the 3rd world. As in the days of Henry V111 and Oliver Cromwell - the powers-that-be have decided to extricate themselves from the financial clutches of the Roman Catholic church. Destroying her influence and wealth. What has slipped under the radar - thanks to media neglect and bias - is that 15 RC churches were victims of attacks prior to the Notre Dame fire and Sri Lankan bombings. The churches attacked in Sri Lanka were Roman Catholic. Put that in your pipe and puff on it for awhile.. Ponder on the significance of evil men waxing worse and worse - deceiving and being deceived. Notre Dame is a Roman Catholic cathedral !! The pattern is obvious.

This is not to deny the horrific attacks upon real Christians in the Middle East and North Africa. But, remember this. The RC church is very influential in Africa. A lot of the churches attacked have been Roman Catholic. Which took me back to the letters to the 7 churches at the beginning of the book of Revelation. Luke warm... tolerating Jezebel etc. It's all happening, Doves. Right before our very eyes.

That the Notre Dame fire was sabotage is pretty much a given. Main stream media are not even trying very hard to hide this. Notre Dame had holy relics and statues removed prior to the fire and taken to a "safe place". I believe this was a robbery of sorts. And a very powerful message to the Vatican. War has been declared.

Please watch this informative video clip. Anyone familiar with wood - it's age etc., will recognise the truth here. Centuries old oak becomes as solid as steel and is very, very difficult to burn. One would need an enormous amount of kindling to make this happen. The video clip includes an interview with an architect involved with Notre Dame and it;s safety. A very short clip. Very informative.
