Fay (28 Apr 2019)
"War has been Declared on Christians. Must Watch."

This Jason A YT clip is a must watch. It not only covers the recent horror of the attacks in Sri Lanka, but also covers news that might have slipped under the radar. The fires in Yorkshire, UK for example. Terrible fires that burnt everything except three wooden crosses that were left standing among the ash and debris. The pictures are astonishing. Very reminiscent of the three crosses at our LORD Jesus crucifixion. This YT clip really made me sit up - grab my notebook - and try connecting the dots.

In 2011, Almighty God drew our attention to Christchurch, New Zealand. A very destructive EQ occurred on February 22nd, 2011. In fact, God called our attention to Christchurch twice. The first time on September 4th, 2010 - 5 days prior to Rosh Hashana of that year. Soon after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, the Arab Spring took full flight and saw the downfall of the Egyptian government. Just prior to the earthquake, a UFO was filmed descending on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Not forgetting the weird green horse that appeared on camera during the Egypt riots. Whatever caused that image to appear is irrelevant. It was there and the YT video went viral around the world. Almighty God was identifying who the pale green horse and it's rider are. Islam. Plain and simple.

Since those heady days - Islam has invaded Europe. By stealth and cunning. The Christians in the Biblical lands began to suffer horrific persecution. Listen closely to the figures quoted in the Jason A video clip. In the meantime, Barack Hussein Obama was waxing lyrical about the beauty of Islam and how the future cannot belong to those who insult "the prophet" Mohammed. Obama also kick started the homosexual agenda...BIG TIME. His tenure as POTUS turned our world paradigm on it's head. Obama's utter disdain and loathing of Israel could not have been more obvious. His tenure also brought in the persecution of Christians in America ... forcing them to go to court to defend their rights to refuse to bake a wedding cake for homosexuals etc., etc. His tenure also saw the bizarre law for public lavatories to be open to both male and female. No separation. This has rapidly led to " gender fluidity"... the "trans" movement etc. Basically ANYTHING that is anti Christian and Anti Christ.

That we are in tribulation, and have been for some time, is undeniable. One look at the church bombings in Sri Lanka on Resurrection Sunday are enough to convince anyone of this irrefutable fact. The physical persecution of Christians in the Biblical lands - at the hand of Islam - has been one long horror story. For Christians in the West... I believe our time is almost upon us. Western nations won't just be "watching" as Islam butchers Christians and Jews in the Middle East. It will come to them. In their midst.

Once again, Almighty God has drawn our attention to prophecy via Christchurch, New Zealand. I see a pattern here. On March 15th, 2019, the world saw the mosque shootings in Christchurch. This led to an extraordinary reaction by the NZ government. All and sundry were suddenly wearing burqas and paying deep reverence to Islam. Prince William - the future King of England and "Defender of the (Christian) Faith, has just payed a visit to NZ to pay his respects re this atrocity. Hmmm.

April 15th, 2019 saw the destructive fire of Notre Dame. This is SUCH a peculiar story - positively riddled with symbolism and unanswered questions. The glowing cross amidst the ashes and debris, was striking. As were the three wooden crosses left standing in the aftermath of the recent Yorkshire fires. The pictures in the linked video will actually make you gasp. Our LORD Jesus is positively blasting out the nearness of His soon return. He is also letting us know that no amount of evil is going to destroy His church.

On April 21st, 2019 - Resurrection Sunday - the Sri Lanka bombings happened. This is a declaration of war. NO question. The occult, anti Christ powers that be, have openly declared war on Jesus and His church. Choosing to organise this atrocity on Resurrection Sunday, is an undeniable declaration of war. As an aside....the tweets that Obama and Hilary Clinton sent out were SO childish and laughable. Calling the Christian victims of these bombings "Easter worshippers". I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read that. I mean...GROW UP, already! There is also a big news story about Macron wanting to add an Islamic minaret to the restoration of Notre Dame "to show the diversity of France". This is now so blatant and in-your-face, that there can be no question that war has been declared on Jesus and His church. Notre Dame was built as a Roman Catholic cathedral. Which is why methinks the Vatican are about to be toppled too. The pope has been groveling around Islam this year. Kissing Imams on the mouth (eeuuew), signing religious pacts with Islam and slobbering over politician's shoes. The actions of a desperate man, perchance? Let's not forget that "the Beast" hates, loathes and detests the Whore of Babylon, who rides upon it's back.

Please take the time to watch this very important YT clip.

Brace yourselves, Doves. I believe the true horrors have just begun. The wrath of Almighty God is simmering on the horizon.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.
