Fay (28 Apr 2019)
"Gino re Cults"

Hi Gino and Doves,

Gino - you never cease to amaze me with your life experiences. I love your constant questioning and searching of scripture. It is wonderfully obvious that you have a thirst for the truth. A constant yearning to know our Father God and the purity of His word. You don't just settle for so-called conventional wisdom.  Let's face it - it has taken humanity hundreds of years to fully absorb the deception brought about by the Roman Catholic church. To question powerful "authority". Scripture provides powerful examples of how the most outwardly religious, monied and pompous leaders are, in fact, charlatans. One only has to read about what our precious LORD Jesus was forced to confront. I am very leery about people who make money out of God. I understand that documentary makers like LA Marzulli, genuinely need to raise money to fund their research. That valuable research needs financial backing. However - mega churches and their dazzling lights, music and drama - leave me stone cold. Our LORD Jesus despised the money makers. It appears to be ridiculously easy to attain fame and fortune on social media nowadays. Which leaves weary, seeking (and TRUSTING) Christians prey to an enormous multitude of money lovers.

I will leave you with one example that will make you think very hard about using discernment. Our brother, John Tng, has never asked for donations. Has never tried to flog us merchandise or gold coins or virtual currency. He has never tried to make money out of God.

I rest my case.

May Almighty God bless, protect and keep us all. Filling us with His Holy Spirit. Granting us courage and patience and true understanding.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the soon return of our beloved LORD Jesus.
