Bob Ware (7 Apr 2019)
"Good Friday (4.19.2019) is Jewish day number 929 (the number of chapters in the Old Testament)"

There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament. The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers equals the 24,978 days from May 14th of 1948 to October 2nd of 2016 (the last day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle). October 2nd of 2016 plus an additional 929 days will be April 19th of 2019 - 'Good Friday'. This year the first day of 'Passover' falls between 'Good Friday' and 'Easter Sunday'. The first day of 'Passover' will be 930 days since October 2nd of 2016. Adam's lifespan was 930 years.


April 19th of 2019 will be the 109th day of 2019. Clay reminded me that Strong's Greek word number 109 was the only one he has found so far where the gematria of the word equals its roster number. Greek word number 109 means: 1) 'air', particularly the lower and denser air as distinguished from the higher and rarer air 2) the atmospheric region. It is found in seven verses in five different New Testament books. The fifth occurrence is in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."


1 Thessalonians 4:16 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:"


1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 4:17 are the 6475th and 6476th verses in the New Testament. The gematria of 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (13,882) minus 6475 minus 6476 equals: 931. April 21st of 2019 (Easter Sunday) will be the 931st day of the current 19-year Jewish calendar cycle.


4995 is the total gematria value for all 27 Hebrew, or Greek, letters and finals. 1 Thessalonians 4:18 is the only verse in the New Testament with a total gematria value of 4995. There are 1480 verses remaining in the New Testament from 1 Thessalonians 4:19 to Revelation 22:21. 1480 is the Greek gematria of 'CHRIST' and 419 is the prime number gematria of 'CHRIST' as derived from its Greek spelling.


The chapter and verse number for 1 Thessalonians 4:17 could be seen as a the date string for April 17th (4.17). April 17th of 2019 will be the 107th day of 2019. 107 is the rapture number.


9 is the number for finality and judgment. The sum of the gematrias for 9 of the 12 Breastplate tribe names equals the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The gematria of the remaining 3 tribe names is 999. The Israeli elections will be held on the 9th of April. The 1st of April is the 91st day of 2019 and the 9th day of April is the 99th day of 2019. 99 is the gematria of the last word in the Bible - 'Amen'. The sum of the first 9 day numbers for April of 2019 is 855. 855 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'JESUS CHRIST'. From the establishment of the First Knesset on 16 February 1949 to 10 May 2019 (Adar 5) will be 10 x 855 days. The sum of the day numbers for the first 20 days of April 2019 (leading up to Passover) is 2010. 2010 is the gematria of five of the seven Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 (excluding: 'heaven' and 'earth'). 2010 is also the range of my 'Prime List' and it is the sum of the four corners of the 'Prime Cube'.


Again, Good Friday falls on April 19th (4.19) of 2019. 419 is the prime number gematria of 'CHRIST'. 666 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'HOLY BIBLE'. 419 ('CHRIST') x 666 ('HOLY BIBLE') equals the first 305 prime numbers (my 'Prime List'). 419 + 929 equals: 1348. 1348 was the year that the plague, or 'Black Death', killed millions across Europe. 1348 is the sum of the center point (467) and last point (881) of the 'Prime Cross'. A rectangle with sides of 419 and 929 has a diagonal of 1019. 1019 + 929 equals 1948 which is the year of Israel's rebirth and the sum of the four points of the 'Prime Cross' (113, 431, 523 and 881). 1019 minus 419 equals 600 which was Noah's age when he entered the Ark. 929 minus 419 equals 510. 5.10 is the date string for May 10th. May 10th of 2019 will be Iyar 5 of 5779. May 14th of 1948 was Iyar 5 of 5708.


October 2nd of 2016 was the last day of the 304th Jewish calendar cycle and the first day of the 305th. I made circle with a circumference equal to the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368). In this circle diagram I made each unit of measurement equal to the passing of a day. I counted off the days around the circumference of 2368 beginning with the first day of the current Jewish calendar cycle (October 2nd of 2016). I then counted off the 377 days back down the radius line to the center of the circle. The date that fell at this center point was April 8th of 2024 (the date of the second total solar eclipse across the United States). April 19th of 2019 fell at the 141 degree mark around this circle. 929 plus 141 equals: 1070 or 10 x 107 (the rapture number).


In my attached 'Prime List' table I counted off the days from 5.14.1948 backwards through the 'Prime Cube' starting at its last point (941). When I got to the center of the 'Prime Cube' (467) the sum of the 26 primes to this point equaled the number of days from 5.14.1948 to 9.11.2001. I continued from there through the remainder of the 'Prime Cube' (79) and the date that fell at this point was 1.21.2017 when Trump completed his first day in office. I then continued up to the top of the 'Prime List' (1).  January 4th of 2019 fell at this point. Enoch was taken at the age of 365. When you add 365 to the last number of the 'Prime List' (2003) the result is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368). It will be 365 days from 1.4.2019 to 1.4.2020. There are a total of 1189 chapters in the Bible. The 1189th day of the current Jewish calendar cycle will be January 4th of 2020. January 4th of 2020 will be the 1013th day since Nisan 1 of 5778. 1013 is the prime number gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'. January 4th of 2019 was the 824th day of the current Jewish calendar cycle. 824 + (26 x 929) equals the sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers. Only one verse in the Bible has a gematria of 824 - Psalms 118:6 "The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?".


The perimeter of each of the two triangles that make up a Star of David pattern within my 'Circle of Time' equals: 3 x 1247. April 19th of 2019 will be 3 x 1247 days since Obama's first day in office on January 20th of 2009.


Personal anomalies: my oldest brother died on the 44th anniversary of JFK's assassination (November 22nd of 2007). His oldest of three daughters will be 24,978 days old on April 20th of 2019 - the first day of 'Passover' ('Good Friday' by inclusive counting of the days).