Bob Ware (28 Apr 2019)
"Daniel 2:19 and number anomalies for 1368 mark the start of the 4 days from 29 April to 2 May of 2019"

Daniel  2:19 "Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven."


Daniel 2:19 is the 1368th verse from the end of the Old Testament. Strong's Hebrew word number 1368 is: גבור gibbowr {ghib-bore'} or (shortened) גבר gibbor {ghib-bore'} intensive from 01396; TWOT - 310b AV - mighty 63, mighty man 68, strong 4, valiant 3, .... ones 4, mighties 2, man 2, valiant men 2, strong man 1, upright man 1, champion 1, chief 1, excel 1, giant 1, men's 1, mightiest 1, strongest 1; 158 adj 1) strong, mighty n m 2) strong man, brave man, mighty man


April 29th (4.29) of 2019 is the 939th day of the current Jewish calendar cycle. 429 plus 939 equals: 1368.


April 29th of 2019 will be:


       50 x 666 days since Ariel Sharon was born on 2.26.1928


       13 x 1480 ('CHRIST') days since the groundbreaking for the Twin Towers on 8.25.1966


       11 x 2019 days since the Lituya Bay tsunami on 7.9.1958


       11 x 1917 days since Obama was born on 8.4.1961 (2 x 1917 is the sum of the four corners of the 'Prime List')


       5 x 3636 days since the first Moon landing on 7.20.1969 (3636 is the sum of the four points of the overall 'Prime Cross')


       3 x 1977 days since the Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107 disaster on 2.1.2003 (107 is the rapture number)


April 30th of 2019 will be:


       23 x 1795 days since the San Francisco earthquake on 4.18.1906 (1975 = sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack Hussein Obama')


       40 x 234 days since the Oslo Accords were signed on 9.13.1993 (9.11.2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush)


       70 x 467 days since the Stock Market crash on 10.29.1929 (467 is the sum of three different gematrias for 'God' and the center of the 'Prime Cross')


May 1st of 2019 will be the 234th day of 5779 and it will be:


       57 x 467 days since Donald Trump was born on 6.14.1946


May 2nd of 2019 will be:


       82 x 467 days since WW1 began on 6.28.1914


       2368 days since Obama was reelected on 11.6.2012 (2368 is the gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST')


1368 plus the 1189 chapters in the Bible equals the 2557 days in seven solar years. 2557 also equals 2 x the prime number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (713) plus 3 x the radius of the 'Circle of JESUS CHRIST' (377): 2 x 713 + 3 x 377 = 2557. 2 May 2019 + 1426 (2 x 713) days takes you to the end date at the top of the 'Circle of JESUS CHRIST' (28 March 2023). 28 March 2023 plus the radius of 377 days takes you to the 8 April 2024 total Solar Eclipse across the United States. 2 x 713 (1426) also equals the sum of the gematrias for the 3 tribe names in row 3 of the Breastplate. 1426 plus the gematria of the fourth tribe name on the Breastplate (54) equals the gematria of 'CHRIST' (1480). 2 May 2019 is the 942nd day of the current Jewish calendar cycle. 942 minus 54 equals the 888 gematria of 'JESUS'. 888 is the gematria sum for the 3 stones in the fourth row of the Breastplate. See the attached diagram.


The eighth of the nine Bible verses with a gematria of 1368 is Psalms 89:18 "For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king."


When 1368 is the short side of a golden rectangle within a circle then the length of the arc opposite it equals the 1440 minutes in a day. 4 x 1440 equals: 5760. 5760 minus 1368 equals the number of days served by the four assassinated U.S. Presidents (4392). April 29th of 2019 will be the 7069th day since the Winter Solstice of 5760 (12.22.1999). 7069 plus the gematria of 'JESUS' (888) equals the 7957 verses in the New Testament.


When 1368 is the area of a circle then the area of a Star of David with in that circle equals the Hebrew gematria for 'Yehoshua HaMeshiach' (754). When the circumference of a circle equals 1368 then the sum of the six triangle sides forming a Star of David within that circle equals: 3 x 754.


The 929 Old Testament chapters plus 4 x 1368 equals 6401 which is the sum of the seven Hebrew gematrias of Genesis 1:1 (2701) plus the sum of the 12 tribe name gematrias on the Breastplate (3700). 3700 minus 1368 equals the Hebrew roster number for 'Eve' (2332).


The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers (24,978) minus 1368 equals 10 x the sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers (2361).


The 1368th prime number is the 203rd palindrome '11311'. 203 is the gematria of 'created' in Genesis 1:1.


The sum of the ASCII codes for 'Lord Jesus Christ' (1544) plus 1368 equals 8 x the composite number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (364).


When the sides of a triangle are 651 then its height is 564. (4 x 651) plus 564 equals the Greek gematria for 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' (3168). 1368 and 3168 share the same digits. 1368 plus 651 equals 2019.




Personal anomalies tied to 1368:


From my sister's birth to the day my brother Chuck died (11.22.2007) was 23,256 days or 17 x 1368 days. The difference between seven solar years and seven prophetic years is 37 days. 37 days have 888 ('JESUS') hours. 23,256 minus 3 x 37 equals the 23,145 verses in the Old Testament.


April 30th will be the 940th day of the current Jewish calendar cycle. The hexadecimal number 940 equals the decimal number 2368. 2368 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'. On April 30th of 2019 I will have lived 2368 days longer than my brother Lloyd.


2368 plus 1368 equals 3736 or 8 x 467. 467 is the center of the 'Prime Cross' and it is the sum of three different gematrias for 'God'. 3736 is the sum of the English gematria for my full name (2084) plus the ASCII codes for my full name (1652). (2 x 1368) plus 2084 minus 1652 equals the Greek gematria for 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' (3168).


86 is the Hebrew gematria for 'God' in Genesis 1:1. and Jesus lived 33 years. My Father lived 11 x 2368 + 86 additional days. My brother Lloyd lived 10 x 2368 - 33 days. 86 + 33 equals 119. April 29th will be the 119th day of 2019.


April 29th in '' format is 4.29. April 29th of 2019 is the 939th day of the current Jewish calendar cycle.  From 4.29 of 2019 there are 1429 days remaining around the 'Circle of JESUS CHRIST' to 3.28.2023 (939 + 1429 = 2368 circumference). 4.29 is the 119th day of 2019. 429 + 1429 + 119 = 1977 (the phone number I prayed for). Again, 4.29.2019 will be 3 x 1977 days since the Space Shuttle Columbia STS-107 disaster on 2.1.2003.