A Goodrick (7 Apr 2019)
"Crackdown on Chinese Churches"

John and Doves,
Since 2018, there has been the severest
supression of Christianity
in China 
than has been in the last 30 years. These churches----and many others---
are asking for our prayers.
They have had their churches closed down and undergone demolition.
 A pastor and his wife were bulldozed into the ground. His wife died. 

The unregistered churches have had their crosses removed, as well as the registered churches. All
religious symbols, pictures, Bibles, furniture, cellphones etc.have been 

Missionaries are not allowed to preach; Those under 18 are not allowed to attend religious services. Followers are harrassed at work by phone calls, and landlords are vulnerable to harassment for renting  buildings to churches.

Worshippers have been
told to sign papers saying they will never worship together again, and to worship only the Communist Party (under Xi Jingping).
These restrictions also apply to Hong Kong and to Taiwan.

Many refuse to sign those papers and are shackled, arrested until ???
starved, beaten, and tortured in detention.

Before Pastor Wang Yi
was arrested, he boldly wrote out a... 

"Declaration of Faithful Disobedience" .
Acts 5:29
"We ought to obey God,
rather than man"

Under the clear leading of the Holy Spirit, he wrote of the extreme love the Church has for Jesus Christ and their strong clinging to Him under any and all conditions.
It is a must-read for all Christians.

These churches have asked for prayer:
The Early Rain Covenant
Pastor Wang Yi of

Zion Church--
Pastor Jin Mingri of

Shouwang Church---
Pastor Jin Tiangming of

Rongguili Church---
Pastor Sam Lamb

Each church has thousands of followers.

Cathedral of the Immaculate, Catholic Church, Beijing.
The Pope has allowed the Communist Party to appoint Bishops, rather than the Vatican. This church has been shut down till further notice.

The authorities enter homes and remove all symbols of Christianity,
and replace them with a picture of Xi Jingping.

There is internet censoring
of anything Christian.
Christians in poverty are denied government assistance.

The State has rewritten the Bible to conform with Socialism.
Those who have stood up to the new regulations have been arrested...
Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, and Alex Chow.

Besides this persecution, 
Senator Sam Brownback
reports that there are one million Uighur Muslims in internment camps in Northern China.
The Senator states that China is
 "at war with Faith".

As we pray for the persecuted of China,
let us hear these words from Wang Yi:

"In this war...the rulers have chosen an enemy
that can never be imprisoned---the soul of man. 
Therefore they are doomed to lose this war."

In Jesus,
A. Goodrick