Fay (29 Apr 2018)
"Jean Stepnoski re the Omer"

Hi Jean and Doves,

Jean - I absolutely love your posts. Your Bible knowledge is extensive and there are deep pockets of wisdom to be found in your letters to the Doves. I am watching the dates you highlighted in your posts from last week. You have been consistent in your counting the Omer every year. To be honest - this is the first year that I've been acutely aware of the importance of this count. 

Here is a link from Rabbi Glazerson re the 33rd day of the Omer in the Bible codes. One calendar shows this date to be our May 3rd. Rabbi Glazerson is getting tired now. He's old and feels that his hard work with the codes are not reaching people. The urgency of the impending arrival of our Messiah shows in all his recent codes. He stresses over and over again how the codes keep repeating the need for Israel to repent.That terrible war is coming and it is this war that will cause all of Israel to repent. The good Rabbi doesn't get overly emotional but the urgency re the lateness of the hour is coming through strongly. I pray for him every day - he looks exhausted and very worried. Interestingly - the codes keep throwing up Elijah and Moses. These are the two witnesses, in my humble opinion.

May God Bless you, Jean. May God Bless us all.

In Jesus' beloved Name.