TH (16 Apr 2017)


    What percentage of your thoughts, thru out the waking hrs.of the day, are about
the LORD ? (for this instance we'll reference GOD, JESUS, and the H.S. as the LORD)
They are one and the same to the in-dwelt anyway, so we'll just say LORD, so w/ that
understanding, okay.  So how much ?  Or put another way, how often?  Half a dozen?
Full dozen ?  Let's define....there are thoughts "about" and then there are actual words
that you have w/ HIM, be they in Prayer or in Conversation. For our purposes here,
we'll count both as a "conscious awareness".  ( although there is really a HUGE
difference between the two, but we won't get into that here )  I was thinking about my
own situation and concluded I should be doing more. I always feel a lot better and
happier for having done so, so why do I always feel in arrears ?  Got a lot of excuses
though, busy, unable to put myself in a respectful state of mind often enough ( which
I feel I should be, out of honor and respect, if for no other reason ) But I AM Guilty and
I really don't have an excuse....lazy?  Yeah, that too. Well I got to thinking, how can I
increase my time thinking about HIM?  Ran through a bunch of ideas and wasn't finding
any that would be satisfactory, to my way of thinking.  Short of becoming a monk I was
drawing a blank....hey, wait a minute...monk?  I pictured a monk in my mind's eye and
noticed my "monk" had a pretty big Crucifix hanging around his neck.  Hmmmm...
If I had a BIG Crucifix hanging around MY neck, it'd be a pretty good reminder to stay
in touch. Maybe the monks were on to something. I didn't have a Crucifix of any kind
let alone one the size I saw on "my" monk. Always thought it was a "graven image"
so NONE OF THAT !  But hold on here, mine wouldn't be for "show"....didn't need or
want that, I wouldn't ever even think about wearing it in public. I wanted it as a memory
jogger, a reminder, like a string around the finger. (I thought about that too, but that
has never worked very well for me in the past, so no string) Back to the Crucifix. One
thing about my Crucifix, there would be  NO' JESUS hanging on mine.  So, being
sorta poor, I figured I'd make one.  It would have to be of wood, naturally.  Fancy ? NO!
NOT FANCY !  Plain and ..crude?  After all, this wasn't going to be "art", it was going to
be a personal reminder...nothing more.  It isn't about glorifying the Cross itself,  (but I
do hold it in awe and gratitude) it was about it being a's about HIM !  Well,
out to the backyard we go. Found a nice stick, about 3/4" in dia. Cut two pieces. One
6" & one 8" then cut a sq. notch in each & pressed them together...(like Lincoln Logs,
remember those?) it was a good tight fit so I didn't need any fastener. Then drilled a
7/16" hole crosswise thru the top. Big enough to thread thru the ends of a handkerchief
to go around my rope, a hanky's  more comfortable..ALL DAY right ?  Well, I am
happy to report..SUCCESS !  Thought about HIM..ALL DAY !   Silly ?  Yeah, I know, but
it worked and worked well.......Boy oh I ever LOVE the LORD !    Oh, and BTW
        HE was okay w/ it...we both had a good laugh and we DO talk more often..  
            Don't wear it much nowadays, having reached a "New Level" ❤️ ...  I don't
                                really need a "reminder" anymore... ✝  

                                        MARANATHA !

                                                T H