Sheri (30 Apr 2017)

Dear John and Doves,

I have not posted since my last word several years ago. Blessings to you and all Doves. As I pray for a spring rapture

I know the Father will send his Son for his bride at His timing. Be encouraged! With converging prophecy there is not much time left.

Blessings ~ Love in Christ, Sheri Donovan

I had been in deep prayer and fasting. This word was given to me 4-27-17 after sleeping. Before going to sleep I had meditated on Joel 2:28-29 : And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour our my spirit upon all flesh; and your daughters shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

NOTE: While receiving this word and quickly writing it down, at the sentence, Listen O my people, I saw a flying

eagle moving across the entire United States.

I am the Lord your God. I will not be mocked. My hand is ever present, my Word never returns void.

Listen O  my people, hear through out the land. I come in vengeance, I come in anger. I will smite the evil.

Draw close to me in all your ways. Listen to my still voice.

Strength alone is found in me. I am your refuge, I am your rock, seek my face. I will not fail you.

Listen my lambs, I am coming, I long for you, I live for you, you are mine. Stay ever close to me as I draw closer

to you.

Soon you shall see the Son of Man face to face.

Prepare, pray, read my written Word which brings life to you. Love me, not this world.

The wicked have made their final choice. My hand is ready to signal the Son.

Stay in my presence, I am coming, coming for my children. Do not fear, I come quickly!