Greg Wilson (30 Apr 2017)
"The Literary Architecture of Daniel 9:  Isaiah 59: A Case Study"


Greg Wilson (30 April 2017)


The Literary Architecture of Daniel 9:  Isaiah 59: A Case Study


James W. Bosanquet said "Every fresh interpretation [of Daniel's 70th Week] only adds to the force of our conviction that some radical error lies at the foundation of all our Christian interpretations, and, till it is discovered, the Seventy Weeks of Daniel will remain unexplained and inexplicable to the comprehension of every unprejudiced inquirer."[1]

A radical error lies at the foundation of the historic interpretation of Daniel 9:27 concerning the person who confirms and the nature of the covenant.


Daniel 9:27 has been interpreted consistently by prophesy scholars as involving a future covenant, treaty or league made by the Antichrist with Israel.  This is often referred to as the 7-Year peace treaty which the Antichrist will breach after three and a half years.


This belief is based on a reading of Daniel which concludes that the "he" of verse 27(a)[2]  is the "prince who shall come" in verse 26(b)[3].   The "covenant" is therefore interpreted as a future satanic treaty with Israel.


This essay will offer a fresh and contrary interpretation of verse 27(a).   This interpretation will be based solely on a literary analysis of Daniel 9 and Isaiah 59.  The literary analysis will speak from the Scriptures ipso facto.   The logical conclusion flowing from the analysis will emphatically declare that "he" is not the "prince to come" but rather "Jehovah God".  The "covenant" will not be a treaty with the "prince to come", but rather will be "Israel's salvation covenant" as declared by Isaiah.[4]


[1] McClain, Alvin J., Daniel's Prophesy of the 70 Weeks, BMH Book 2007

2 Verse 27(a) KJB: "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:"

3 Verse 26(b) KJB: "and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;"

4 Isaiah 59:21; Romans 11:27


The complete article can be accessed at:



[1] McClain, Alvin J., Daniel's Prophesy of the 70 Weeks, BMH Book 2007

[2] Verse 27(a) KJB: "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:"

[3] Verse 26(b) KJB: "and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;"

[4] Isaiah 59:21; Romans 11:27