Gary Rich (16 Apr 2017)
"Cassie Bernal - a follower of Jesus who reached the World"

Eighteen years ago this month , on April 20, 1999  the worst high school shooting massacre America had even seen took place. It happened at Columbine High school in Colorado. On that day two teenagers  walked into the school and started shooting . When it was over 12 students & 1 teacher were dead and 20 other students were wounded . I wanted to focus on two of the students who were killed, Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott. Both of these girls were Christians. Both were asked by the shooters if they believed in God, when they said yes, they were shot and killed

These two high school students paid the ultimate price for their Christian faith. They had gone way past just being a fan of Jesus - they were committed followers of Jesus and were willing to die for their faith. Obviously not every real Christian follower of Jesus Christ is going to be asked to give up their lives in defense of their Christian faith. But ----  if you do call yourself a follower ---- would you be willing to do just that if a situation came up where your life & Christian faith was on the line ?  An interesting question to think about

After her death - Cassie Bernal's parents found her diary and read in it where she wanted to reach the world with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. She wanted to be a missionary and go all over the world telling others about Jesus. Well - she didn't get the chance in life - but in death she did reach the world with the gospel massage. You see - at her funeral Michael W Smith sang several Christian songs and gave a salvation message on knowing Jesus . The funeral was carried live through out the world by several network news outlets -  including CNN

You see ,  Cassie was able to fulfill her dream of reaching the world for Jesus - just not in the way she had thought it would happen. God did use Cassie - in death - to reach the world with the gospel message. Do you have a dream of doing something really great for God - keep praying - your prayer will get answered someday. It just may not be in exactually the way you have envisioned it !!!

have a blessed day,   Gary