Clay Cantrell (16 Apr 2017)
"Polonium. the Pit, & the Calamity to Come"

Interested Readers - 

This post:

...discusses finding Polonium in the running gematria totals of Psalm 103:4, one of two verses that disclose some of the symbolism of the Dream of the Atrium the Lord gave me. This dream is a prophetic timetable for a sequence of events that lead to the Catching Away.

It turns out that Psalm 28:1 is a kind of twin to Psalm 103:4, and you can read that post here on this site also, at some point.

Further scrutiny of the Polonium number 851 appears to show what is coming.



ascii total as typed there is 851. Running gematria total of the first three words of Psalm 103:4 = 851. The Lord indicated to me before I checked it, that 851 was to be found in that verse, somewhere.


The last verse with a total verse gematria of 851 = Proverbs 1:26

"I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;"

That word "calamity" is Strong's 343h Eyd, which means destruction/calamity/disaster

Yes, it's THAT 343 hebrew. from the 9-11 event.

See Deuteronomy 32:35 which is where 9-11 is in the Bible.


I theorize then, that the pit of the Dream of the Atrium (Psalm 103:4, Psalm 28:1) which contains the 851 Polonium number, and that shows up in Proverbs 1:26 as shown above, indicates a 9-11 type of disaster or disasters. This disaster, or these disasters, target some financial district or districts in the USA (Dream of the Atrium, the "pit" was in the below ground level of a corporate office building with two heavy steel bank vault doors on the west end).

I have written about Polonium element 84 many times. The Lord told me to watch for a Polonium event in October of 2004. Alexander Litvinenko was murdered using Polonium 84, and died of this poisoning on November 23, 2006. That was the event.

For all intensive and prophetic/symbolic purposes, Polonium 84 = Enoch, the Seventh from Adam (Jude), and Enoch is the Catching Away of the Resurrected Dead and the Living together found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.

Since Polonium is radioactive, than I theorize the attacks are also radioactive.

Remember, in the dream of the Atrium, my partner and I were tasked with solving two remaining prophetic puzzles. During this process, we were blown into a dirt pit several times, and then crawled out. Each time we were blown back into the pit, we were caught on a cushion of air, and were not harmed at all. This occurred three or four times.

I theorize the attacks happen during the process of solving the puzzles and that means before the Catching Away.

All of the events happened quickly which was a hallmark of the dream and there was also a notable silence in the dream, which also matches Psalm 28:1 wherein silence is mentioned. That may indicate national communications blackout.

Jesus is Lord.