Clay Cantrell (16 Apr 2017)
"Psalm 28 & Spikenard, Tied to Psalm 103:4: Dream of the Atrium"

Interested Readers - 

I kept waking up the morning of April 6, 2017 with the Lord telling me "Psalm 28". This happened several times, and even after I finally got up, He was still telling me "Psalm 28"!

Finally,  sat down with my Bible to look up Psalm 28 and to find the verse He wanted me to read, which was apparent immediately:

Psalm 28:1

"Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit."


For the backstory, read my account of the Dream of the Atrium from April 12, 2012. In that dream, a puzzle solving co-worker and I were blown up into the air and then down into a pit of dirt, rocks, and weeds. This happened several times. Psalm 103:4 is the verse that matched the dream symbolism of the "pit". 

The Lord is slowly showing the full interpretation to the dream. This post from last week:

... details how Polonium was found inside Psalm 103:4, ie Polonium (Enoch, Element 84) was found in the dirt via the (ascii) 851 number. Quite extraordinary.

Watch ...

Psalm 28:1 has a total verse gematria of 4185.

Switch number systems from gematria to Strong's greek numbers:

Strong's greek 4185 = "poluteles" {pol-oo-tel-ace'} from 4183 and 5056;; adj AV - very precious 1, costly 1, of great price 1; 3 1) precious 1a) requiring very great outlay, very costly 1b) excellent, of surpassing value

First verse that uses Strong's 4185g = Mark 14:3

"And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his (Jesus') head.


In the dream of the Atrium, after the puzzles were solved, my helper took a small vial of Lavender (Spikenard, associated with death) and moved it from east end of a metal (iron?) candlestick to the west end of it. This symbolized the death of the last person in a group of (probably) seven people, and of their going on to Heaven. All these seven people had something in common while alive. Then, the last person in this group passed away.

This shows that Psalm 28:1 and Psalm 103:4 are both scriptural foundations for the dream's symbolism, which is how most or all prophetic dreams should be interpreted.

The Dream of the Atrium is the only dream the Lord has given me that appears to have a final sequence of events that leads to the Catching Away.

Jesus is Lord.