Steve Mullin (17 Apr 2016)
"The Jubilee"

Thinking about the Jubilee and how they are 50 years apart from each other. I've heard theories ranging from 2015-2018 regarding the timing of it, and many think we are in a jubilee year now. IF that's the case and it is a type of the rapture, there's no way it could be another 50 years from now--Jesus based the final generation's length on the fig tree, Israel, being restored. From 1948 to now, there have been 68 years--adding another 50 years would make it way past the 70-80 year range that is mentioned in Psalm 90:10: 

Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

There's also Judah ben Samuel's prophecy of the Jubilees which seems to line up with the recapture of Jerusalem in 1967, and the Balfour Declaration that was issued at the end of WWI in 1917. That would mean the Jubilee year and most likely the rapture would center around the 2016-2017 timeline. 

I think the Jubilee is how we can narrow down the time and season--once that is established, there would have to be a 50 year interval. And even if the Jubilee signifies the 2nd coming instead of the rapture or the beginning of the millennial reign, that still couldn't be 50 years from now based on dreams and visions, the state of the world, cashless system and mark of the beast technology, world economy, wars and rumors of war, etc.

I'm convinced that everything is going to change dramatically between now and the Fall of 2017, and it literally could be any day. How exciting will it be to go home? I'm personally very weary and I'm sure many if not all of you are too. Exciting times we are living in--hope to meet you all soon.

Steve M