Neil Lipken (3 Apr 2016)
"Early this morning my wife and I had two very similar dreams at the same time!"

Right now it is early morning, Tuesday, March 29th.  Upon waking I told my wife Cynthia that I had just had a dream.  In the dream a man said, "Time is up, time is over".  Then she said to me that she had just had a dream.  In her dream a woman on TV said, "The church is old, it is time for the Rapture".

Sadly in our time so many reject the truth that we are living late in the End Times!  But Scripture tells us that the days of the coming of the Son of Man (Israel's Messiah, Jesus (or Yeshua)) are JUST LIKE the days of Noah.  So who was willing to listen to Noah's message?  After all, his message was from God!  Other than 7 people in Noah's immediate family, NO ONE would listen to Noah's message!  He was regarded in his time as little more than a nut case, although he had the true message from God!  Same thing today!


P.S.  In 1948 we entered the End Times (of this present dispensation, which is the Church Age).  After an absence of 2669 years as a free, independent people, Israel had returned!  It was truly a miracle but it was based on God's Word that it would happen!  Most churches and pastors today ignore this very major event, the most important event of the 20th century!  And now we are nearly 68 years into the future from 1948.  The Bible is very clear that the generation to see Israel's return will see all end time events fulfilled.  Looming ahead of us now is the second greatest event in all of human history-----the Rapture!  Right after that occurs the antichrist will appear on the world stage and he will make a false peace with the Israelis and Palestinians.  This false peace will begin the 7 year Tribulation Period leading to the greatest event in all of human history, the Second Coming of Christ!  It is prophesied throughout the Bible (Old and New Testaments) that Israel would reject her Messiah through history, and that indeed has happened!  Israel's Messiah is Jesus, and always has been Jesus!  After the Rapture many Jewish people will have a spiritual awakening that Jesus is indeed the Messiah!

P.P.S.  I recently saw a YouTube video that someone sent to me.  This was back in February.  A little 7 year old boy heard God speak to him, "It is just about time to go up into the clouds".

P.P.P.S.  Again, sadly so few people will listen!  Most will be left here after the Rapture to face the worst time in all of human history, the 7 year Tribulation Period!