Judith (17 Apr 2016)
"First Trump & Last Trump Study"




As shown in the 2520 year study - (see March 27, 2016 Five

Doves Letters) the Exodus ocurred in the 2520th year from

Adam. Passover ocurred on March 14 and the Exodus to the

Promise Land was the next day on the 15th - (see Ex. 12:41).



They arrived Mt. Sinai "on the very day" meaning on the same

date (14th) in the third month (May 14/15) - (see Ex. 19:1-2).

In Ex. 19:10 - 11 the Lord tells Moses to "consecrate the people

today and tomorrow and have them wash their clothes and be

ready by the third day (May 17/18), because on that day

the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all

the people".


The FIRST TRUMP then ocurred on May 17/18 - (see Ex. 19: 16)....

"On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning,

with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a VERY LOUD TRUMPET




Before we can continue with the LAST TRUMP part of the study

there is one other date which has relevance to this study. That

date is October 11/12 and can be found in "God's Calendar Study" -

(see March 27, 2016 Five Doves Letters). In that study the date

for the Crucifixion found on the 365.25/day calendar was March

14/15. That date corresponded to Aug. 27/28 on the 360/day.

From the Crucifixion to the Resurrection = March 17/18 (Aug. 30/

Sept. 1 on 360/day). Then the ASCENSION ocurred on April

26/27 - OCTOBER 11/12 on the 360/day). 

Now we can continue with the next portion of this study.......


THE LAST TRUMP - & Possible Rapture Date -

IF, the Rapture were to occur on MAY 17/18, 2016 then the

corresponding 360/day would be OCTOBER 11/12, 2045. So,

what is remarkable is the LAST TRUMP would be on the same

date as the FIRST TRUMP. Also, the corresponding date of

OCTOBER 11/12, 2045 would occur on the ASCENSION date -

the same date Jesus ascended into heaven.



By adding 10 days to the above calculations, another possible

date for the Tribulation could be OCTOBER 21/22, 2045 or

MAY 27/28, 2016.

The OCTOBER 21/22 date was the date for PENTECOST on the

360/day calendar - (see God's Calendar Study). It is also the

initial date for the BALFOUR DECLARATION - OCTOBER 22

which would complete 100 years or two JUBILEE cycles.

MAY 27/28 was the date for the first PASSOVER when the

Israelites first arrived in the PROMISE LAND - GILGAL - (see

God's Calendar Study).



In conclusion I'd like to offer some perspective as to why I have

continued with these date speculations.

God has pre-ordained a special day for the Rapture. What that

date is we cannot know with any absolute certainty, but what

we can know is when the time is approaching and the nearness

of the hour. We have been given so much in bible prophecy that

offers encouragement and incentive to watch, and be faithful in

all we do. That alone is enough evidence to keep us alert and

joyful while awaiting His soon return. However, there is more

and that includes the specific dates that is provided in scripture

that seems to have or might have some significance as to when

the Blessed Hope will finally arrive. Those dates include major

events such as the flood; feast days; the Exodus timeline; not to exclude the Babylonian Captivity and the Birth of Jesus and the

special dates that follow.

It appears that God was specific with certain dates and gave

enough information with them possibly for us to formulate

certain patterns and cycles as many have done throughout the

intervening years. 

I repeat, while we may not know the exact day or hour of His

return, we can ascertain through prophecy and various timelines

the approximate time - especially as we see the day approaching,

and what is gained by our continued examination of when that

day could possibly be is a blessing for those of us who are watching

and waiting.   Also, it serves as a reminder for those who would

scorn our efforts and may even cause an interest and return to holy

living as a certain awakening may occur by our continued per-

severance in sounding the alarm. So, I offer no apologies for

all that I've submitted in the past and will continue to offer when

new information can be shared.

Finally, many of us know the joy we share together as we remain

faithful in our watchfulness - not to mention the fun we have with

the challenge of being effective in our cause - which is to proclaim

His Holy Name and Blessed Hope..........our going home.

So whether we are to be awakened to rise or remain alive at His

soon return, we have a strong sense of expectancy which is a joy

unspeakable and full of glory - something the world cannot


May our efforts be productive and fruitful is my prayer.  


